Fishman Island 3

When they come back to the main enter, the pirate told him that they were supposedly to open the front door for the Fishman to come in.

" I can't do anything with the inside of the water, so I guess we have to let them in to kill them," Patrick and Pato are ready with their attack.

One of the crewmember of the thousand of people opened the gate and they came back to defend the hostage because they can't let the New Fish-Man Pirates get what they want.

In a couple of minutes the ringmaster Hody Jones has come in with a small group of his army. " What do we have here, King Neptune crying for his daughter and asking humans none the less." Everyone stares at Hody Jones, Nami is the most shocked because he sees Arlong mark on Hody Jones.

Hody talks about human always treat them as low beings and traded for money, but Arlong appears. He easily defeating every human that was in his way and he always loved that he take away their arrogance. He trained to be Arlong's right hand man, but some human defeated him," he looked at the Straw hats and looked with disgust in his face.

" Why are you doing this, you were a proud soldier of Neptune's army so WHY?" The seahorse merfolk Minister of the Right shout at Hody Jones.

" You old merfolk, I don't join Neptune's army to service him, I join because it would help me get stronger and get get fight skills for battle," Hody Jones looks at the human that Vander Decken throw here.

" TELL ME WHERE YOU HAVE TAKE MY DAUGHTER, YOU DISGUSTING PIECE OF SHIT," King Neptune shouts at Hody Jones and Vander Decken, Vander Decken is depressed because he was told that Shirahoshi has disappeared.

Hody told Vander Decken that his throwing objects are here so she may not be far away and he can catch up to them. Vander quickly got a large Bubbly Coral to use on himself so he didn't feel weak because of the sea water, he used his devil fruit on the Bubbly Coral to has a rid towards Shirahoshi direction.

Patrick launch a swarm of blood bats to the fishman and merfolk, it sucked some clean of blood, but Hody quickly used destroyed the door with Shark Grip to let water come on in. He used shark arrow to destroy all of the blood bats and attack them, but thankfully Patrick created a blood wall to cover everyone.

Pato used his devil fruit powers to draw on the leaves he has, Fishman/ merfolk guards and throws them to the front lines. They turn into fishman/merfolk guard and the charge at the enemy.

" Everyone, especially the devil fruit user, we has to get to a safe place to go because with sea water in the adding question, most of the powerful people are going to be useless," Patrick has a worried look on his face because he can easily kill them, but the water is neglecting his devil fruit powers and if the sea water fills up, most of us are goners.

Lu Bu's new army is freeing the fishman and merfolk and Zoro cuts Neptune's chain because that the fastest way to do it.

Zoro decided that he would stay to fight Hody Jones and also this would be workout fighting in a fishman home turf. Patrick uses his blood bats to find and give people Bubbly Coral and he went to a more dry place.

Back to Luffy and Lu Bu

Lu Bu is looking careful to kill Vander Decken and take his devil fruit so someone more capable without a creep that is in love with the princess when she was 6 years old.

When they were looking around they can see that Chopper and Sanji were being harshed by the residents of people because of the future of Fishman Island being destroyed if they don't leave. When Lu Bu looks closely he can see that Chopper is treating a octopus fishman.

Luffy also noticed that Chopper and Sanji were there and he decided to land, but that would cause problems because Shirahoshi was throw up from the large shark and it also look like they were kidnapping her.

Pu Bu rubs his forehead because there were problems that he is going to fix, but it would be also a giant headache.

Every fishman and merfolk said " They were kidnapping the princess of Fishman Island," Sanji froze when he heard that. Chopper is telling him to not turn around, but Sanji wants to see the beauty of the princess, if he dies then it was worth it

He lift his probably last cigarette and turns around, but unexpectedly Sanji just turn into stone because the princess beauty was too much and it save him from blooding to death.

Expectingly the fishman and merfolk tie them up, but not their problem just got worse because Vander Decken is coming in hot

When Vander comes in, Shirahoshi told Vander that he isn't his type and he was heart break, so he just wanted to kill her. Luffy used Gear 2 to get close and used Gum-Gum Jet Hammer to grab him and slam him into the stone with incredible speed.

Lu Bu just effortlessly rips apart the rope and with light speed he gets to Vander Decken and what Lu Bu does is horrifying.

Lu Bu break every bones in his body with little pressure with his finger, then he bite every finger he have off in the most brutal way, the people can hear the ripping of flesh and his broken bones breaking more. Lu Bu eats the finger like they were anack,when he was done he chomp on his hands so he can't use his devil fruit anymore.

He puts pressure on his wounds so he don't blood to death and when he was done he slowly ripped his arms so he would feel the most pain out of this. Vander is begging for death because the pain is unimaginable and he is also surprised that he is still alive after that.

He eat his multiple legs like crab and eat everything even the clothing. When Lu Bu was done finishing his legs he realized that the guy died, so he quickly eat the rest of the body, but he just ripped all the flesh on his head, eats it and keeps the skull for later.

Everyone was horrified that the scene, the princess is crying with a scar that would live in her entire life. Lufgy is the quick to recover for that scene, but that scene will give Luffy nightmare for a couple of days before he forget about it.

Back to Patrick and the others

Pato's soldiers are doing pretty well in water, but they can't last forever with them covered in seawater. Patrick focuses his blood in his fingertips so it would be pressured enough to go deep enough to hit the other fishman and merfolk.

Patrick uses Blood Shotgun and pierces that water to kill everyone that was hit and also injured him if they were close. King Neptune uses his chains to lift them above the water and with a One Sword Style: Tiger Strike from Zoro he injured Hody Jones.

King Neptune started swimming with might and use one of his moves Merman Combat Ultramarine and luanch a large amount of pressurized water, King Neptune almost give up, but his pet whale Hoe save the day.

However, Hody Jones stopped them, Patrick says " HOLD ON TIGHT TO KING NEPTUNE," as he luanch an attack on Hody that it made him let go and luanch everyone outside. After using that much blood he needs to recharge after that.

" Boss what do we do now," a random Fishman ask Hody Jones.

" JUST DO STAND THERE, GO AND CAPTURE THEM," Hody Jones isn't having their dumb questions and kills the fishman that ask that. Hody I'd in serious pain because of the attack, but they were lucky that they blocked in time and the water slowed it down.


Everyone including Jinbe are talking, but with a intense aura behind it, they were talking about Jinbe letting loose Arlong and ruined Nami life. Sanji is the one to easily give Jinbe a death threat, but unexpectedly Lu Bu punches Sanji in the chest and that almost knock him out.

" Look Sanji, don't make death threats when Jinbe don't know what his past mistakes do, you don't heard the full story so don't put a fight with a friend that is out of your league." Lu Bu just looked at everyone, everyone had a shock look and Luffy was mad, but understood the reason behind it.

Nami ask what do you mean that you let loose Arlong and Jinbe is now going to tell that him, Arlong, and Hachi were a part of the Sun Pirates, he is telling his past and the history of the two people that wanted to change the future of fishman and humans.