Heroes Success

Pig God and Fighting Spirit

Pig God and Fighting Spirit are walking around the area, they are snacking on some food for extra energy and a giant lizard comes in looking hungrily at the two. When the monster was going to do its monologue and Fighting Spirit just one shot it, Pig God starts eating the giant lizard with a hint of joy because its meat is delicious.

Sweet Mask and Walking Cloud Pov

Sweet Mask and Walking Cloud are Walking around the area to find at massacre of monster in the area and it don't look like it was for food or honor. When they keep on walk, they can see a gaint man that seems overweight and wearing a Japanese school uniform.

Students and Kenpachi

" Alright kid, I will seeing how you fight in combat and I will see what we can improve, but if things get tough I will jump in and kill the monsters." Atomic Samurai's students are confused at this moment, but understand what Kenpachi is saying.

When they arefight, Kenpachi can see that their teamwork can use some work, two of them need to do some more physical training, but Iaian needs work with his one-arm technique because Kenpachi can tell that he is stay uncomfortable with his fighting style. One monster cause the floor to collapse and it seems that the monster uses his hair as his weapon.

Kenpachi can see that they are having some trouble attacking the monster, but their teamwork is improving and they are covering their weaknesses, but Kenpachi is getting tired at the monster's overconfident and he join in.

" Okamaitachi, you need to work on your physical strength because if you worked on that, you could have slash through its hair like this," Kenpachi use Okamaitachi's Air Blade technique and goes towards the monster. The monster tried to block the attack in time, but it went through the hair to its hair.

Then Kenpachi used a barrage of Air Blade to cut the monster into pieces and says " You have to make sure it's die because it can come back to life and kill you when you're guard is lowered," cleaning his blade off with his clothing.

" We understand," they look at the monster that they head trouble with, and Okamaitachi is think on what physical training she could do. " You guys keep going because I can sense a large number of Dragon Level monsters a couple of floor do," Kenpachi rushed to the direction where he sense it and destroyed some floors.

Support Team Pov

The monsters are coming endlessly, but with Hero Works's defense killing monster per second it wasn't so hard to control the battlefield. Hero Works's S-class heroes are destroying armies of monsters and Hero Association are taking down a army. A monster was feeling confident about Orochi's power and then a large amount of strength destroyed the building where a manhole cover was. Then the dust disappeared, it shows Desert King(Crocodile), Saitama, and Child Emperor coming out of the manhole.

This caused Hero Association's support team to be flabbergasted at what a S-class heroes can do, they look at Desert King and Child Emperor, but ignored Saitama who don't care about being the center of attention.

Child Emperor check in with every S-class hero and most of them stand that they have find out nothing or a bunch of monster, but when it was Atomic Samurai turn, they found out that they was a child in the Monster base.

Child Emperor looks like he was going to go back, but his body was already tried and beaten. Crocodile decided that he was going to be the one going back in so Child Emperor can get some rest. Everyone that was not a S-class hero, they admired Crocodile and wish that they were a S-class hero as well.

Atomic Samurai

Atomic Samurai is looking at Black Sperm and slashes it, but it look like it helps on multiple everytime he cut. Black Sperm is beating Atomic Samurai like a dummy, but Atomic Samurai cut the roof to crush some Black Sperm. Atomic Samurai sees Kenpachi coming in the scene with a face of a lunatic or a battle junkie

Puri-Puri Prisoner and Street Mouse

Puri-Puri Prisoner is taking all of the monsters because he said " I don't want such a bad guy get hurt, so I will deal with the monsters," Street Mouse is just confused at the Puri-Puri Prisoner actions. Puri-Puri Prisoner deal with all the monsters, but some of the attack went through and are going towards Street Mouse. Street Mouse slaps the attack back at the monster's.

" Why are you attack a man that is thinking, do you not have a sense of honor or patience," Street Mouse jumps like a cartoon and somehow drawings are coming out of his head to show that he is angry. The injured monsters decided to retreat, but a large elephant monster with a suit stops them.

The elephant monster suck all his allies to get their powers and shoots a combo of all their powers at Puri-Puri Prisoner and Street Mouse. Street Mouse however has a plan, he takes out a large pipe and bends it into a U-shape.

He places it where the attack is coming and block the exit of the pipe. When the monster was done attack, Street Mouse unblock the pipe and the attack was launched back to the attacker. The attacker died when the attack hit and it look like it killed monsters that were prisoners turn into monsters. Puri-Puri Prisoner cried and promised to avenge for what the Monster Association do to them.

Pig God and Fighting Spirit

Monster are trying to group up so they can surround the two heroes, but they were one shot by Fighting Spirit or have been eaten by Pig God. Then a giant monster what was noticeable that it's only great feature was its mouth. The two heroes were being eaten by Gums, but the two heroes were alive and were punch/eating Gums insides.

This caused Gums to throw up the two heroes and Pig God charges for a attack, but it look like the two are even matched in strength. Fighting Spirit joins in the fight with a attack to the monster's chest and this caused the monster to be launched towards a wall.