Going Forward

Superalloy Darkshine and Marine Hero

Darkshine is taking hits from Bug God, he is telling Bug God that he is weaker than he expected, and will see the consequences of making him anger. Marine Hero is laugh at the monster, " You should look at your face, it so funny to looks at, Kyahahaha," points at Bug God and is crying from laughing too much.

Darkshine just smiles at Garp's behavior because he don't mind some laugh one in a while, Bug God transformed into his next form and was going to attack Garp. Bug God sense with his instincts that the man he was going to attack is a giant beast that is looking amused at his prey thinking he can win against him. He changed his target to Darkshine that and one punch man.

Suddenly shaking happen, some of the upper floor are destroyed and it reached all the way to the surface, and Hero Works had to protect the less stronger hero.Hero.

Crocodile/Desert King

Crocodile was looking for the kid that Atomic Samurai was telling about, but he couldn't find the kid in this monster base. However, Crocodile find something else, he sees Saitama infront of Orochi. Crocodile jump were Saitama is and they both get attack, but luckily both stopped the attack. Saitama just punched it into pieces and Crocodile just turn his Dragon worms into sand. Saitama is complaining about all the noise is happening and saying that he will knock the monster's lights out.

Crocodile is creating a small sandstorm in his hand to get ready for the fight," I sense greater pressure on the two man especially the bald man, but I feel that other man isn't far apart from his power, they will be perfect sacrifice for my resurrection," he laugh with a smile that has malice intent.

This caused Orochi to grab Saitama and Crocodile to take them to the deepest part of the base and it look like a temple was near lava. Orochi was talking about he was destined to become God, but Saitama and Crocodile were having a sweet bath with the lava. Saitama was playing with the lava and Crocodile is drinking the lava like it was water, this cause Orochi's mind to saw what the fuck and decided to attack the two with his strongest attack from the Earth's core. (Crocodile grabbed a piece of Orochi when he was leaving)

Saitama used Serious Squirt Gun and Crocodile is spit some lava out of his mouth, that turn into a light speed bullet. The two attack defeated him and the two just walk out to dry off and leave the place to leave Orochi to be crushed to death.

Gyoro Gyoro was getting defeated by Tatsumaki and it was looking for Orochi to help defeat her, but it only find Orochi mask. It wonders who defeated Orochi, but it heard footsteps and a somewhat loud heartbeat.

King and Ken/System

" King, why is your heart beat, you are now stronger to kill a couple of Dragon-level Monster will easily, but you are here with a somewhat loud heartbeat." Ken is in his Dragon Mafia Form tell this in King's mind to not make King sound weak.

" I know that, but it's still scary that I am underground, with a base that is full with monster, and it don't help that it's a habit that over the years with monster or danger," King looked neutral, but in the inside, he was a bit scary of what is happening because he may be strong, but it don't help that he was still a coward at heart.

Then he saw a flying one eyed monster looking at him, but Ken just killed it with a quick slap toward the wall. Then they look around to see it was a dead-end and cause them to turn around, this also csuse them to fall to the next floor down.

Then they see that it looks like the kid that they were looking for, but Ken scan the kid and he is told that this kid is a monster in disguise. King was talking with the kid, but he was nervous because he wasn't really good with kid. This caused his heartbeat to beat louder and this cause the kid to look nervous and scary.

But thank to King last sentence the monsters was at his breaking point, " I will take you were no one can heard us," this caused the monster to melt and his bones to piece his organs, there was only let a goop of slime.

" Good job King, you will never surprised with all of your feats of intimidating aura," King looks nuertal at the corpse, but in the inside he was panicking and want to know what just happened.

Sweet Mask and Walking Cloud

The two looked at the monster and Sweet Mask jumped towards a room that looks like a lab, destroying every piece of technology he could find, and goes to a corner to get far away from this monster.

Walking Cloud jumped back to get some distance to see the monster speed and strength, but he has to admit that this monster is one of the ugliest he has ever seen in his life.

Fuhrer Ugly talks about Sweet Mask being the hero he hates the most and attack Sweet Mask first with great speed. Sweet Mask was going beaten badly, but he can't move because of this monster's ugliness.

Puri-Puri Prisoner and Street Mouse

Puri-Puri Prisoner was swimming in concrete to find if someone innocent people are here, but he did find one. Puri-Puri Prisoner tried to wake him up, but Street Mouse pulled him back so the attack doesn't hurt him, and he can sew that this man is a dangerous person to wake up.

Flashy Flash and Lighting Dragon

They are waiting for the monster to come around the corner so they can attack and when they were ready to attack, Lightning Dragon saw that it was a human and a hero. He grabbed Flashy Flash's cape and launched himself back so he couldn't cut the hero, but he was just a half second late to complete pull him back.

The hero dodge all of his attack in that short amount of time before he was pulled back, and this shocked Flashy Flash because there is someone as fast or faster then himself. He was annoyed with Saitama's attitude and he just speeds up to get rid of them, but Lighting Dragon apologize about he partner's behavior towards Saitama, but Saitama said that it was fine because he don't care.

So the two speed up the pace that they were behind Flashy Flash and this shock the core of him, he was less surprised that Lighting Dragon can catch up because he saw his speed and power with other monsters. The most surprised thing was Saitama because he was a low-class hero with few feats under his belt, but he can match his speed.