Lighting Dragon, Saitama, and Flashy Flash
Flashy Flash is testing Saitama's speed, but Saitama thinks that this is a simple sprint and Lighting Dragon is going around the area to kill all of the remain monster that could be a problem in the future.
Support team of Association and Hero Works
Jack just bite one of the last monster of this wave, but he eats the monster with hunger in this eyes. Wild Tiger and Wild Bunny are arguing on who killed the most monster and Wild Arts is trying to calm their masters down before anyone gets hurt. Classic Cowboy and Sweet Commander are still on guard because you don't know when a Dragon-Level monster is coming by. Intimidating Police Officer and Death Doctor are treating wounds that where caused by monster.
Wild Arts-Wakatsuki Takeshi
Wild Tiger-Kotetsu T. Kaburagi
Wild Bunny- Barnaby Brooks Jr.
Classic Cowboy-Spike Spiegel
Sweet Commander-Charlotte Katakuri
Intimidating Police Officer-Akoya Seishu
Drugged Monster-Jack Hanma
Death Doctor- Law Trafalgar D. Water
There was a cat monster wearing a fancy collar that is walking casually towards the heroes and Child Emperor is half asleep, but wakes up and activates his weapons. The cat monster is Nyan, King's new pet, his hands are up and he has something in his hands.
The sniper hero shots first, but Nyan just cut it into piece before a wave of heroes come charge at him. " I have a message from Master King so can you please stop attack," everyone stops attacking, but are still on guard because they can't trust a monster. What caught them surprised is that the called King Master, but it can't be pull out of possibilities of King having a monster as a pet."
Nyan throws a phone towards Child Emperor and what he sees that King's face was on the screen. " Child Emperor, I sent my pet monster to help you guys, so don't kill it because it's my favorite pet," as Nyan is blushing because of King's nice words.
" Alright King, we will trust you about the monster, but it don't mean that we fully trust it," Child Emperor is looking at Nyan and its calm attitude.
Drive Knight come down for a building and scans the monster, but the monster don't do anything and just stand still. Drive Knight tries to punch him, but he easily just caught the attack with a finger. Nyan just looks unfazed at the heroes attack and just walked toward a building to lean on. Drive Knight's punch was to measure King's pet strength and he was unable to measure his strength, he was stronger than any normal Dragon-Level monster.
Drive Knight talks about what Sekingar that they could of hacked Metal Knight's weapons and destroy the Hero Association, Sekingar was going to tell the Hero Association to strengthen their security, but his hand was blasted off.
That thing that shoot him was Machine God G5, Drive Knight can't do anything because he used most of his power, Child Emperor was probably has his weapons most used, but the other heroes of Hero Works can defeat that thing.
Intimidating Police Officer steps forward to face the monster and the monster abandoned his damaged form into a smaller and stronger one. Intimidating Police Officer is using his Shield technique to be ready to block any attack. Machine God G5 was first to attack, but Akoya blocked and used his Ripper technique to open him up.
Machine God back up because Intimidating Police Officer had his finger to his power source, but when he backed up, that was his mistake because Genos was right behind him with a high kick.
Genos flatten him in the middle and turning him into two halls of scrap metal. Then Hero Works and Genos grabbed all of the heroes expect Drive Knight who will stay behind, they run towards a safe place that the Hero Association told him. Two monster with super speed are chasing him, but Classic Cowboy and Sweet Commander pierced the monster's head with a bullet/trident.
They all made it and the medical team is treating heroes expect for Hero Works, some have multiple injuries in and out of their body, but they can't fight anymore because it would make their wounds more bigger and risk of death. Thanks to Death Doctor, they can treat the broken bones and organ that were mess up with the wave of monsters.
Sekingar talks with Genos and others can't hear what he is talking about, but when he was done talking he told everyone that he was going back. Hero Work's followed after Death Doctor give him some more medical supplies to help and Jack give every hero some high quality steak to reward them.
Puri-Puri Prisoner and Street Mouse
The two are luanch to the air, but the one that was mostly hurt was Puri-Puri Prisoner, but Street Mouse looks like he was just scratch. Street Mouse launches himself toward Garou and punches him to the wall, but he got up and grabbed Street Mouse. Garou had a strong grip on Street Mouse's neck, but he quickly stretch his neck so he can do some combo with a pipe he find.
Street Mouse was dealing some damage, but it looks like Garou's body is healing most of the damage that he was dealing and they hurt like a large anvil was drop off a cliff.
Darkshine and Marine Hero appeared to see Puri-Puri Prisoner injured and Street Mouse fighting the Hero Hunter and it looks like he is winning for now.
Garp grabbed Puri-Puri Prisoner and give him a Senzu Bean that was 100 Intimidating/Killing points and his injured body and exhaustion was gone when he eat it. Puri-Puri Prisoner sigh a breath of relief because he body was badly injured and the pain was getting intense.
Desert King/Crocodile
He was waking around after Saitama decided to leave to find something or someone, but Crocodile sees 3 fallen heroes and he rushes towards him. One of the swordsman told him to get out if here and he dodge a high pressure water attack and look at Evil Natural Water who is look at him.
The monster launched man-eating fish at him, but when the fish touch his skin, all of the water was sucked away and the different elements are clashing each other out and are evenly matched are now.
Crocodile created a large amount of sand and throw it into the monster, the monster shrink a bit because the sand absorb some of the water and that give Crocodile a great idea, but the monster noticed what was doing and attack the sand and dodged.