Fight and Survive

The Monster was attacking fast enough to hit Crocodile, but the water was absorbed and nothing happened to his body and his sand just got a bit wet. He used Sables to take the fallen heroes to a more safer spot.

When the water monster had the most predictable attack pattern, but Crocodile decided that he was bored with this monster and uses Desert Spada to cut it in half. When it was cut in half, Crocodile grabbed to two eyes and the water stopped moving.

The eyes were trying to move to the closest water source, but Crocodile has a good grip on him and he slowly crush him, then he slowly crush them the eyes got redder and veils got bigger. Then he quickly crushed them and blood spray everywhere, but he used Time-Time devil fruit to rewind time and Total Control on Evil Natural Water to have him as a powerful pet.

Evil Natural Water is now the size of a small dog, but still has his power in the form and he is very friendly now with Crocodile. Crocodile creates sand tentacle to grab Atomic Samurai's students.

Genos and Support Team

Genos and Hero Wok's support team are running back to City Z to help with defeating the multiple Dragon-Level threats. Genos explains what Dragon-Level threat that they are going to find and fight, the support team listen to Genos's somewhat long info drop and they have their guard up just encase Dragon-Level threats decided to have the drop on them.

Saitama, Flash Flashy, and Lighting Dragon

Saitama decided to destroy the wall because this places was basically a giant maze that would take forever to navigate and the two other heroes agree that is the most efficient method to get through faster. Lighting Dragon used his powers to scan for monster that have a bioelectricity and he did.

Lighting Dragon points where a monster is at and Saitama smashed the wall that reveals a monster that is using the bathroom and is now panicking because he sees an S-Class hero.

Another S-Class Heroes

Pig God and Fighting Spirit are having a tough fight, but the one that is the most damaged is Gums because of Fighting Spirit reckless attack has beat him to shreds. Pig God has bite off pieces of Gums's flesh that he is blooding a waterfall, and after a while of beating and blooding, Gums is finally died. Pig God is eating Gums and Fighting Spirit has put a flesh of Gums in his bag.

Atomic Samurai is beaten to a pulp, but Kenpachi has came in time and Chop off the monster's hand, also Kenpachi grab Atomic Samurai and back away from the monsters. Black Sperm is angry and sent 100 thousand of himself to attack Kenpachi, buy they were instantly kill by him. Kenpachi with his quick feet, he attack him so quickly that they don't notice that another 100 thousand are died. Kenpachi decided to retreat because of the injured heroes and he can't use his full power if he is protecting someone so close to the battlefield that the monster could used him.

Zombie Man got killed multiple times by Homeless Emperor, but he is slowly regenerate his body and he is ready to fight. Puri-Puri Prisoner is having a breathe because of the beaten of Garou and will soon join in. Sweet Mask is being so distracted about Fuhrman Ugly's face, but Walking Cloud isn't affected and is punch the hell out of him and the beating is making him more ugly. Fuhrman Ugly tries to attack him, but his speed created after image that he can't tell what to hit and his body is now somewhat damaged.

Sweet Mask joins in, but is closing his eyes to not see Fuhrman Ugly's face and with the added damage with Sweet Mask, the monster is now seriously injured, but is now using his strongest punch that would kill anyone. However, Walking Cloud is a martial arts master and he reflects all of his punch toward himself.

With the rage of the monster and his reckless attack, they finally killed the monster that was causing Sweet Mask so much pain. Sweet Mask stand straight and got close to Walking Cloud and gives him a large hug because he helped him kill the most ugly monster he has ever seen.( He secretly pick up a piece of Fuhrman Ugly and puts it in his pocket)

Tatsumaki is searching the monster to see the real mastermind, but she finded just a lump of meat and she is thinking where the mastermind is. She found her when she was used her psychic power on Tatsumaki and is crashing her.

Psykos is calling Overgrown Rover to distract Tatsumaki so she can free herself and fight her. Fubuki, Bomb, and Bang are fighting Overgrown Rover who is causing massive damage, Rover almost had a sneak attack on him, but thankfully to Fubuki she blocked it. She can't block another beam for Rover, but she don't have to worry because Bang and Bomb are ready to fight Rover.

They used their martial arts to deflect the beam and to maximize the damage dealt to Rover. They sent the Rover to the ground with two strong kicks to the face and Fubuki is very impressed by their strength. They used their joined techniques just in case it gets up on the body, when they were looking away the monster got up again.

Rover tries to attack again, but when Bang said sit the monster do what he said, this caused confusion and break Bomb's confidence because that was one of their strongest attack on the monster and it don't seem effected.

Saitama, Flashy Flash, Lightning Dragon, and Random Monster

The four of them are riding on a minecraft that would lead to the Monster King's place and Flashy Flash is ready, but Lighting Dragon and Saitama are having the best ride of their life and are quickly becoming friends. Both had their hands up when they saw the gaint drop and went down, but Flashy Flash had a really face of how the two are acting. The monster plan to kill him with the heroes, but when he saw the drop, he coward away and thought the next opportunity will show up.

Ken is watching all of this and planning what will come next and what character should he place. He is in a void-like place and he has crack that look like a rip of the universe is on his body and that's because he is still recovering from all of the power in his body.

His adaptability skill is helping his body from getting more cracks on him, but his body is slowly adjust to the power and its going well if he can't use his power directly from himself or fighting a universe threat.