Fight For Your Life

Darkshine, Puri-Puri Prisoner, Street Mouse, and Marine Hero

Darkshine is going beaten because his confidence is being destroyed, but Garp/Ken activated SUPPORT on Darkshine. Darkshine feels that his strength is double for some odd reason, but he isn't going to complain about it. Everytime he punches he can tell that his power is double of what it used to be, but he remember that King used a ability on him to make him stronger.

Darkshine has more respect for King's quick thinking because he know that this would help to him and when he admired King, and he feel that his power double again. Darkshine's confidence was regained and his muscles are more hard then ever, and Garou is now looking worse than Darkshine now with the boost for King.

However Garou's body is adapting into a monstrous and better form, but Darkshine is still getting the upper hand in the battle. Darkshine and Garou punched each other so hard that they luanch himself to a wall. They both got up, but everything around them are is falling apart and Darkshine was shield by Tatsumaki's barrier. Garp grab the two heroes that are exhausted from fighting and grabs on the barrier that surrounds Darkshine.

" Hey Darkshine are you alright? It look like I almost had to swap with you when you were fighting The Hero Hunter. "

" Yeah I'm fine, but you were right that about swap out because Garou is a strong opponent and he was going to crash him self-confidence. Thank to King's ability that give me strength, I must thank King for using his ability on me.

Other Heroes

The other heroes were shielded by Tatsumaki's barrier and that saved some people from a strong monster, but some were going to going to finish off their opponents. For example, Zombieman with King's boost made his regenerate instant and boost his strength. Zombieman was going to finish him, but Homeless Emperor place a energy sphere in front of him and the barrier appeared.

On the surface, Child Emperor was being protected by Tatsumaki's barrier, but he was resting and the other people looked surprised at the barrier. Bang, Bomb, and Fubuki are in a barrier that was under a large fall that is probably miles down.

Pig God and Fighting are being protected with the remains of the corpse of Gums. Crocodile and the other heroes are being protected by Tatsumaki's barrier.

However they are some of.the device that help Tatsumaki locate the heroes. For example, Flashy Flash lost his and Lighting Dragon is fried his device with his lighting.

Saitama, Lighting Dragon, Random Monster, and Flashy Flash

The ceiling was collapse in front of them and Saitama was the first to action, everyone ducking and Saitama used his leg to support the large falling rubber.

Tatsumaki and The Support team

The Support team's attack tear apart Psykos's body and she is disordered, Classic Cowboy's bullet went through through Orochi's skin and into Psykos's shoulder. Sweet Commander's trident take out a good chunk of her lower half. Tiger Arts, Wild Tiger, and Wild Bunny break apart one of her arms.

Intimidating Police Officer take one of Orochi's eyes out and this caused him to be angry at him. Death Doctor used his ability to cut one of it's arms and is now controlling that arm. Psykos and Orochi take angry at what The Support Team do, but Tatsumaki is smiling at the monster's pain. The Drugged Monster tear one of its tentacle and eat it without any problems. Tatsumaki use her psychic powers to rise up the entire underground base to the surface.

King and Tareo

Both were in the elevator and it started to shake around and the line that was hold him broke off. They started to fall, but thank to King's quick thinking, he used his hands to grab the wall to stop their assent.

King loosen his grip so they can go down a bit so find a exit, but some weird purple goop was crawl towards the two so King grabbed the kid and cover him with his body. Then King luanch himself towards the wall so he can get out and away from the goop. When they got out of there they saw Genos infront of them. He is questioning King where is Saitama, but King don't know where he is.

Genos burns the purple goop that was trying to take their blood to nothing, King and Genos sense a large and powerful lifeforms.They see that the energy beam are coming out of the base and they can see that a group of people were on a floating arm with Tatsumaki flying beside them. They know see a giant woman that is attach to a massive monster.

The Recovering S-Class Heroes and Below S-Class Heroes

Metal Bat is still in bed with his sister beside his side, but he had to lie to his sister so he can help with the other S-Class Heroes. Mumen Rider is also going to the battle field, but not to fight monster, he want to rescue the civilians that are injured in the area. Tanktop Master is also going to help Mumen Rider because he feels that he is becoming useless and not help out, so he would help Mumen Rider with rescue work and going to retrain himself.

The Tanktop Master's army is talking until Tanktop Girl is pushing him out and tell him that Mumen Rider and Tanktop Master are gone. This caused them to run after their master and help, this caused the Fubuki group to run after their leader Fubuki because they don't want to be outshine. This caused the other heroes to see their courage to go towards the battlefield and they also went to the battlefield.

Saitama, Flash Flashy, Random Monster, and Random Monster

The group was in a cave in and they can't see anything, but luckily for the group Lighting Dragon create sparks of lighting to see a bit. He see that the monster was picking up a rock and behind that rock was Flashy Flash. This caused the monster's eye to light up like a flashlight and can light a wide area, this surprised Saitama and Lighting Dragon that the monster can do that.

Flashy Flash tell the two heroes to help him get out of this rubber, Saitama grab one of the rock that Flash Flashy told him and a rock fall on Lighting Dragon. Lighting Dragon pulled other one and a rock fall on Saitama, this cause Lighting Dragon to smile a bit. Then the Random Monster pull out rock and two rock fall on Saitama and Lighting Dragon.



The two were getting annoyed at rock falling on their head and the monster told them that they have to pull a rock on the opposite side. The three of them started to pull out rock and digging out Flash Flashy and everyone is compliment on the eyeball monster's usefulness.

The monster told her name is Manako and that she is a girl, and their caused everyone in the room to stop because they thought that the little monster is male. The monster ask for Saitama and Lighting Dragon's name, but Saitama was going to say his hero name and is embarrassed to say it.

" My name is Laxus Dreyar, but my hero name is Lighting Dragon and I am a new S-Class Hero From Hero Works. It nice to see that some monsters that are nice."

" My name is Saitama, It's nice to meet you Monaco. We better hurry up and dig out Flashy whatever so we can kill The Monster King."

Manako is a bit awkward at the heroes being so nice to her, but that can be a trap and they are hiding their true intentions. Manako just keep on moving rock and ask the two heroes to help and move this very struck rock.