God's Improvement

Tatsumaki and Support Team

Tatsumaki is looking at how Psykos going so powerful because she know that you can't just get powerful from absorbing monster. She figures that she is absorbing energy to get this power so Tatsumaki tried used his psychic powers to rip her off her source of power.

However, Psykos shows her power with a powerful beam, but Sweet Commander just created a bunch of mochi and controlled it into a hand that take the attack. This caused the mochi to be baked, this cause it to turn into Mochi Miracles, and the attack don't pierces through. Sweet Commander take his scarf off to show his sharp teeth and begins to eat the Mochi Miracles, and in 5 bites he finished.

This cause Psykos and Orochi to be dumbfounded because they should be more powerful than ever, but Someone that they don't have any information on stopped a attack that could cut off the crust on Earth's surface. " HOW CAN YOU BE SO POWERFUL THAN ME." This cause Psykos to get angry because she is the chosen one and a nobody stop him.

" That's because we have a more powerful deity on our side and we worked to get this power. You took a offer for something else, you claim to be a strong and perfect being, but you are a coward and weakling. If you are perfect then you had to work to get up there, but you take the easy way." Sweet Commander/Ken told her the truth of what he thought, it's a bit ironic because he got powerful for a system, but he don't really want to get the power, so he just used it to just enjoy another universes. He also had to work to get where he is now and wasn't just given it like a sliver plate, and they will be more powerful beings than him. You can't just claim your basically invincible because you get powerful, you have to prove by defeat something that nobody can beat.

This caused Psykos to become angry at Sweet Commander, but that was the beginning because Tatsumaki is laughing at the Psykos's angry. This caused her to increase her anger and Dragon head are coming out of the pillar that she is connected to.

" IF YOU WANT PROOF THEN I WILL KILL YOU, TATSUMAKI, YOUR TEAM MEMBER, AND YOUR DEITY IF YOU WANT PROOF." Orochi is also angry because this attitude reminded him about Saitama and Desert King, and this also cause Psykos's anger to pass another level.

The dragon head shoot beam after beam and they were target the group. Sweet Commander made another Mochi hand to protect all of the lasers, but blast after blast the beam were burning through it. Death Doctor had to block some beams with his katana and move the monster hand so no one gets hurt.

Tatsumaki can see that King is running with the kid in his hands as fast as he can to get the kid out of danger, and can see that King is giving her an enemy that suit her well. Tatsumaki use her psychic powers to grab large Boulder from the sea and attack with him.

Psykos destroyed the large Boulder, however, those were distraction to block her decoy so she can sneak inside the body of the monsters. The support team were deal with all of the beams and Dragon head, Drugged Monster use the skill that they/King got from Boros, and he absorbed all of the beams in his body and save it for later. Tiger Arts was using Blast Core to destroy multiple head, and his masters were jumping on the head to gather them up.

When they deciding that 30 head were enough they killed him in one shot. Classic Cowboy is shooting bullet after bullet, making him ricochet on each other and killing multiple heads. This caused Psykos to focus on the support team and accidentally helped Tatsumaki.

Tatsumaki makes Psykos's body twist and looking like that she can't survive and after that she moves the other hero outside of the base. She was attacked by Orochi that had a sharp weapon that piece her hand after hand and Orochi shock her million blots of lightning. This caused the other heroes to fall and Psykos was going to attack Tatsumaki, but it was blocked by Genos.

Genos was moving so fast that he was practically lighting and when he was going to attack, he look like blue dragon, but his attack was overcome by Psykos. Dragon heads were going to attack, but the support team are chopping him off and helping around.

Tatsumaki is anger with support team and Genos because she was the one was entrusted by King to fight this monster, but she admits that the support team was good help in destroying all of the dragon heads so not one accidentally goes to a group of people.

Genos said that King entrusted Tatsumaki as a holding point until Saitama comes to deal with this powerful monster, Genos has a bit of an advantage because all of his attack are pushing his big beam. Intimidating Police Officer jump towards Psykos and punch her with great force that it made her beam stop and get hit by Genos's attacks. The attack hit her and do some damage, but this caused her to become more anger on him.

Lighting Dragon, Flash Flashy, Saitama, and Manako

The heroes and monster expect Flashy were hungry because they were doing this for a while. Manako then tight her belt to reduce some of her hungry. The two heroes tried this and it work a little, but now they were decided what food to eat when the war was do like Curry, but Lighting Dragon wanted Takoyaki and would pay the bill if they decided to get some.

This caused Flashy Flash looks at him with a face of disappointment and was thankful that no one can see his pathetic state. The three go back to dig out Flashy Flash, but Lighting Dragon sense a powerful deity coming for the direction that they were going to. He decided that he will note it in his head and goes back to digging up Flashy Flash.