Gang vs One


The Hero Work building was unharmed with the attack and they decided to join in the fight. The building shifts into a human-like shape, but it has wings and is shooting high voltage lighting around its body. The figure was Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder, the serect weapons of Hero Works if their heroes are having trouble with a threat.

Zeus luanch himself towards the battlefield and noticed that Psykos was going to do a large beam attack that could destroy the other heroes. Zeus open his chest to show his core, the attack hit his core straight on, but his core just absorbed the attack and now Zeus is overcharged with power.

This caused Tatsumaki to have time to get most of the heroes out of the tower that she made. When she moved the heroes away from the damage that she was going to causes because Psykos said she was going to do something with her sister. Tatsumaki twist the whole city because she is twisting Psykos and is the center of the city. Zeus fires a overcharge beam that has the same power to cut off the crust of the earth.

Saitama, Lighting Dragon, Flash Flashy, and Manako

They see that the small area that they are in is collapsing and Saitama thinks that it's the monster boss's fault for this. Lighting Dragon is digging quickly as lighting to get Flash Flashy out of the hole that he was trapped in and shield him and Saitama shield Manako for the collapsing area.


Zeus destroyed the top part of the tower and is searching for if any living being is in there. Tatsumaki with injuries and blood loss, her power has loosen and Zeus grab her so she don't fall to her doom. Psykos and Orochi take the opportunity and turn into something. They turned into a jet and tries to escape, but Tatsumaki still had some power left and creates a barrier around the city that was double layer.

Psykos shot a beam at Tatsumaki, however Zeus blocked it and now everyone knows where she is. Zeus fires a lot of heat-seeking missile that are targeting Psykos and Orochi, Psykos shoot more beam at the missile, but destroyed all of them. Drive Knight also comes into the battle in his jet form and is chasing Psykos and Orochi to identify this monster, but to also get a sample of this monster.

Genos informs the other heroes that they need their help to defeat or capture Psykos and Orochi that are flying around. Atomic Samurai run to help out and Pig Pod puke out some Crocodile, Zombieman, Fighting Spirit, Raging Demon, and Atomic's three students.

Darkshine, Marine Hero, Puri-Puri Prisoner, Street Mouse, Sweet Mask, and Walking Cloud get the situation and are running to take down Psykos and Orochi. With some S-Class Heroes and blow are helping the injured that were around the area that, they were calling medical helicopter to come down, but two beam hit the barrier. This caused the two jet to come around and TankTop Master was also going to help Tatsumaki because if the barrier is this big then the trouble is a threat. He grabs a pylon from its place and throws it in the direction of the battle, and he grabs one of the cables so he can save a lot of travel time.

The other heroes are trying to make a plan to defeat or capture the monster, but then suddenly a pylon crashed on the side of the tower and TankTop Master appeared to lead a helping hand. Then Fubuki told them that her sister is lose consciousness and all of the heroes are trying to catch with the jet. A giant hand with the support team give them a hand and they are flying toward the monster.

Raging Demon, Atomic Samurai, and Atomic's students are using Air Blade to cut down the monster, but she is avoiding it and she is being slow down for here. TankTop Master is throwing building at the monster, some buildings made her change direction and lead to Genos. Genos tried to make her into a fireball, but she is still trying to defend herself with many beam.

Psykos get pierced by their own beam that went through her, but that opportunity had left Tatsumaki in a clear shoot, but the support team join in and blocks the attack. Genos and Drive Knight fusion into one to make Psykos stop moving for a minute so TankTop Master can throw a building on her. However, Psykos create a mouth behind her to shoot a beam, but Atomic Samurai was inside and destroyed the beam.

This caused her to be cut in half and falling, Street Mouse and Puri-Puri Prisoner are giving her a barrage of punch all over. Darkshine and Marine Hero give her a large drop kick that has the power to destroy a city. Psykos decided that when they were fall she would separate from Orochi to escape from this situation, and she was just in time because Boom and Bang are throw hand on Orochi.

That won't the stopping point because Tatsumaki use her psychic power to lift the tower and twist it into a sharp point. When it was down, the sharp point piercing Orochi body and exterminating his whole existence from this planet.

Saitama, Lighting Dragon, Flash Flashy, and Manako

Lighting Dragon and Saitama got off of their companions, Flashy Flash noticed that his sword is gone. Flashy Flash looks at the hole that he was in and tries to find his sword. He find it, but it was stuck between two large rocks. He slowly tries to pull it out, but a hole was created and a good half of the underground and his sword is just air. Manaka tried to escape from the heroes, but she find out an area that they can see " God", he look like close up cells on a giant sleeping.

However, Lighting Dragon sense a god-like power coming for that giant and it don't have a friendly aura about it, it feels like manipulation and power that looks down on others. Lighting Dragon/ Ken don't really know if he can defeat because his main body is damaged, don't know its capabilities, and what consequences or enemies he would make if he took down a Godlike being from another universe?

( Any idea what would happen if he does?)