The Number Hero has Appeared

Saitama, Lighting Dragon, Flash Flashy, Manaka

Manaka can't see what he was scared of because it was pitch black and Flashy Flash ask Manaka to create light so they can see. It looks like Lighting Dragon is the only one that can see through the dark. Manaka's eye light change to different modes and when they got to the one they needed, the little monster used for Thomas bald head to reflect it.

This caused Manaka to get a hit from Saitama and a bump on its head. A strange voice calls out and it sounds divine but twisted, God is offering them power and see if anyone in this room is worthy of being his vessel. Lighting Dragon is using some of his power but uses it carefully so the others don't notice. God's influence from the cube is being contained and showing whose boss if God tries to mess with him or his friends.

Suddenly what it looks like a black hole, it looks like a man is appearing from it and looks like a hero. The hero comes up and grabs the cube and ask the heroes and Monster that if they touched. Everyone denied that they didn't touch it and Flashy Flash ask what if we touched it and what will happen.

The Hero tell him that this cube is like a transmitter and will get you in contact with "Him" and this caused God to shout and curse Blast's name. Blast send or stored it with his portal and when Flashy Flash heard by his name he would test him if he is Blast. Flashy Flash kick him with great speed, but Blast was already behind and unharmed.

Blast asked why They had a monster with them, but Saitama told them that she was their guide to get down here. Blast looked at Lighting Dragon for a minute, but he just take note of him and will teleport everyone to the surface.

All Heroes

The heroes were beating up Orochi, but he is very difficult to kill or destroy. A bunch of light balls are coming towards Child Emperor, but Zombieman shoves child Emperor out of the way and takes the hits. Thanks to his regeneration and the Boost of Kings power he is regenerating really quickly.

Tatsumaki throws the now sharpen building and rotate it so it will become a drill. It will drill until it reaches the temple that Saitama and Desert King had seen.

King and Tareo

When King was running to get Tareo out of danger he hit a unseen object and can also see a blurry creature. King and Tareo slowly walked because they don't know who or what is that blurry creature, but they also have to be cautious. They found out that it was Metal Bat that was the blurry creature and the visible force was a Hero Association's military truck that was in a stealth shield.

King gave the kid to the heroes that were in the truck and Sekingar he's telling Metal Bat the rundown of what's happening. Metal bat has a newfound respect for Sekingar and his bravery to fight the monsters. Tareo wants to ask to save his uncle if he can, King ask if he is a hero or something. Tareo don't know how to response on that question, but he wants King to not bully him. King agree that he will rescue him and he will no bully him.

Metal Bat will get the rubber from a car wheel and stretch it over two poles and ties a a truck behind it so he could drop it into the pit behind them. With all these steps, they made a sketchy slingshot so they can get closer to the battle. King will grab onto metal bat so he will also be launched and Sekingar cut the truck so they are launched.

The two were soaring through the air and they see that they are heading towards a net that was from Z-Batting Cage. They went through the net, hit a tree , and safely hit the ground with bushes that soften their landing.


Zombieman is taking hit after hit, but it wasn't bring him because King's power accelerated his regeneration so fast that he can't feel the pain. Sweet Mask was going to punch Homeless Emperor in the face, but Black Sperm restricted him and was going to rip him apart. However, a high pressure water shoot towards Black Sperm and that caused Sweet Mask to be released.

Homeless Emperor was going to attack Child Emperor with his light attacks, but Desert King create a thick sand wall that absorbed the attack and turn into glass. The Support Team is dealing with billions of Black Sperm, but they aren't stop for anything or anyone, Black Sperm is going worried because he hasn't seen people this strong and are willing to fight billions of himself.

The support team is holding back the monsters so the other heroes can rest and gather their energy up before anything more happens. Genos is right now overloading and he needs to be fixed or the energy transferred to something else. Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder grab Genos and absorb all of the extra energy and Genos's body is slowly cooling down.

Some of the energy is creating high heat that is melting some of the metal on Zeus's hand, but that isn't a big deal and finally Genos's is stabilized. Homeless Emperor is creating a large amount of light attacks that looks like a stream of light is coming towards them, but Kenpachi attacks with an air slash that cuts the atoms in the light to explode.

This causes a bunch of commotion and also hurts some of the monsters and kills a bunch of black sperms numbers. Fubuki sees that her sister is heavily and wants to help her sister fight, but Tatsumaki can't let her get hurt and has to be a good example. The heroes are doing fine right now but if they get overwhelmed by the numbers and their wounds, this could be the end of humanity?