Other Heroes
Tanktop Army is searching for any injured civilians or heroes that need help. The terrain with rubber everywhere makes it difficult to find anyone, but with a bit of teamwork, they find some people and are sending him to safety.
S-Class and Support Team
The monster attack are somewhat overwhelming, but the Support Team are getting close the main threats, but Black Sperm's number are so great that they can't get to close. This give the main monsters to back away because they know that if the Support Team close in fighting direction and is no fighting someone else, they could die.
Kenpachi is cutting all of the flying light orb in the sky so it don't help or kill any injured heroes in the way. Pig God is having a buffet because the numbers of Black Sperm is just food for Pig God and his endless hunger.
Nyan was protecting the other injured heroes in Hero Association camp, but it look like no threat is really close to them and Nyan let them to head to battle. However, Nyan sees that Child Emperor got his backpack fixed and some of his injuries are a bit healed, Child Emperor is using his backpack to summon mechanical arms to run faster, but at his speed, he will get there pretty late in the battle.
Nyan with his great speed grab Child Emperor and runs to the battlefield. Child Emperor is very confusing for a moment, but Child Emperor looks at King's pet Nyan. " Why are you helping me." Child Emperor says this with a serious voice, but with a bit of curiosity.
" Child Emperor, my Master said that I have to protect you so if you are going to battle again, then I will join you in this battle." Nyan says this casually because his master told him what to do and he's going to finish that order.
Nyan with his monstrous flexibility and monstrous speed, both of them get there in under a minute. Nyan is cutting up thousands of Black Sperm to get where they are going and they find the rest of the heroes.
Crocodile and Natural Water
Crocodile is drying all of the water in Black Sperm army of himself, but with his great number, his army is starting to surround Crocodile. Natural Water is absorbing the water of Black Sperm to get more powerful and bigger. This scene cause Black Sperm to freeze when he sees Evil Natural Water helping a hero out.
" EVIL NATURAL WATER, WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH A HERO, KILL HIM SO THERE IS ONE LESS HERO TO STOP US FROM KILLING HUMANITY AND RULING THE WORLD." Black Sperm is angry at Evil Natural Water action, but he was meet with a high pressure stream of water shoot his head off.
Bang, Tanktop Master, Garp, and Darkshine are killing a bunch of Black Sperm with every attack they deal out. Darkshine with his confidence is somewhat provoking Black Sperm to transform into something else.
Black Sperm is using a another move called Sperm Tsunami and a large number of himself are released and the number is great than Humanity's population. However for Black Sperm, Council of Swordmasters and some of the Support Team are destroyed them easy with their powerful attacks. This causes Black Sperm to be piss off and getting more angry by the second.
Homeless Emperor is having trouble with Zombieman because he generation is on another level that Homeless Emperor has to use multiple light orb attack to destroy his body, but it keep on we generating every time and he doesn't stop. Homeless Emperor is worried his chance of becoming The Monster King and rule the world. Ken is just smiling at Homeless Emperor claims in his mind, he can't be king or ruler of the world if he don't have the army to do it and he is planning to kill that army when it's exhausted.
Genos, Bomb, and Fubuki are getting out of the danger for a while because Fubuki is tired for using for using her psychic powers, Genos was going to overheat, and Bomb is the healthy one so he is here to protect the two. However the danger has not gone away, that's because Garou have come out of the ground and is in his full new monster form.
his monster form is a significantly more muscular and demonic version of himself, with sharp claws, twisted facial features, and a dark, almost void-like aura surrounding him. This shock the three heroes and Bomb shout that Garou is here so Bang will deal with him.
This cause Bang to react, but he can't do anything with Black Sperm number coming waves after wave. However, Atomic Samurai told Bang that he got this so Bang can fix his wrongs as a master. The three heroes are ready to fight even if they are in a bad state. Another man walks behind the three and it was Marine Hero, Garp and he is ready to knock some sense into Garou.
Garou charge toward them, but Garp grab Garou's head and smash it into the ground to do some damage. However, thank to Garou's new monster form, he don't take any damage from that and that attack was at best a distraction for him.
Genos saw that Tatsumaki is in danger from a large human shape being made of Black Sperm, Black Sperm was ready to kill Tatsumaki. However, Garou killed a large bunch of Black Sperm and that caused Tatsumaki to be released, but Garou was hit by Black Sperm attack and made a crater of his body.
Slowly but surely, Genos is gaining Tatsumaki's respect and cause Tatsumaki to smile a bit. The two are ready to fight side by side and a somewhat friendship was made. Nikola and Child Emperor arrived to where most of the Hero are and it look like the heroes are in the winning side for now, but they can't look down at the monster performance because they are maybe not revealing their true power yet.
Garou and Bang are looking at each other with focus and waiting on who is going to make the first move. Master and student are going to finally fight and this may become one of the best fights.