Bang feels sorry for Garou turning into a monster and it seems that Garou is unable to speak in this state. Bang is taking his shirt off to show Monster Garou that he is ready to fight him. Bang sets in a stance and Garou launches himself toward Bang, they are going hit after hit.
Both are in a equal fight, with both reflecting each other's punches and efficiently dodging each other powerful blow. Garou in his monster state was going to attack Bomb and Fubuki, but Garp easily punch Garou back to Bang. Bang is thankful that Garp is letting him taking care of his own mess and not getting involved.
Bang is going full out with his attacks and shoulder checking him and doing a grand slam from the air to launch him back to the ground. However, before Garou hits the ground, Garou uses his legs to grab on Bang and rotate so he will be taking the damage of the ground. Bang's front body was stuck in the ground, but Bang is fine and the attack don't do much.
The monster are really being crashed by the heroes, even the confident Homeless Emperor can't do much against zombieman that is powered up by King's power. However, Black Sperm had a clear opportunity when he saw that the heroes are taking a quick breather and Black Sperm decided on something.
Black Sperm decided that it's a good time to merge together and turn into Golden Sperm. Golden Sperm is going to Darkshine because he was the one insult them and they want payback. However, Darkshine isn't in his fragile state like before, Golden Sperm is more shiny than him. He takes pride in that and sees that thinking like that is making his ego very fragile so he will focus on his strength. Golden Sperm and Darkshine are having punches after Punches, but Darkshine is very tired from all the attack. Golden Sperm is fresh as a tomato and Golden Sperm with a strong punch knocks out Darkshine.
Metal Bat and King
Metal Bat and King have reach the battlefield and they can see that monsters are now defeating some of the heroes, They both decide to split up so they can kill more monsters that way.
Light sphere from Homeless Emperor are attacking everyone, but most of the people have dodge the attack and some even destroyed him with an attack.
Child Emperor is struggling to get a good grip on Nyan when he is running in great speeds and dodging light attacks from Homeless Emperor. Zeus is protect all of other heroes by absorbing the light attack and turn it into energy for Zeus to use.
Zeus can't protect everyone, Tatsumaki and Genos have been hit and injured. Tatsumaki looks like she's unconscience or barely conscience, Genos Is missing all of his four limbs And is still trying to protect Tatsumaki. Pig God and Tanktop Master are heading to Tatsumaki and Genos's way to save him. However, they were outnumbered with all of remain Black Sperm. Black Sperm was about to kill Tatsumaki and Genos, but they have heard a terrifying sound behind them..
Bang and Garou
Bang had the advantage, However Garou had taking a stance that was his past self techniques. Bang is having a flashback about how similar he was to Garou, a wild and reckless person he was. After Bomb, his older brother has given him a beating, Bang was trying to reform himself from all the trouble he calls back then and he did
Bang isn't getting the upper hand because of the techniques that garou is using and Bang refuses to use those techniques on the student. Bang is thinking after all of this is done, he is going to retire from being a hero. When Bang is thinking is when fighting, Garou is fighting without mercy and in his state, he is aiming to kill his master.
Genos is getting a good beating out of him because of Black Sperm is constantly hitting him and insulting him of his weakened state.
Homeless Emperor is going to use a strong light attack that would kill anyone that's in its range, this could also kill Zombieman that is powered up by Kings power. However Homeless Emperor didn't expect Atomic Samurai to use his new katana Sun Blade from Nichirin to cut that massive attack. Atomic Samurai has also cut off one of Golden Sperm's hand, but using the sword cost him to use a lot of energy and now he doesn't have the energy to fight anymore.
Homeless Emperor and Golden Sperm we're going to kill all of the heroes in their battered state, however they were stopped by strange sound, but it was somewhat familiar to them and they saw King. King was standing On the tallest pile of rubble And to make sure that he is looking down on them. The silence that he creates adds to the horror that the monsters see and they stopped their attacks.
They're so focused right now is only King because he is the dangerous hero that they can face alone or as a team because of how powerful he is. Every hero that was fighting has their hopes on King to defeat all of the monsters and win them the fight.
King is somewhat nervous because He may be strong, but he is someone coward at heart. King however won't just leave his fellow heroes to die because he didn't fight so he is here and ready. Child Emperor and Nyan are there in the battlefield and cheering for King to win them the fight.
Ken is someone enjoying this but he is serious about saving the heroes and the citizens from these monsters that will kill them without remorse. Ken is in spirit form and is ready to manifest to his Dragon Mafia form to beat the hell of these monsters and kill them with ease. Ken is getting his skills ready up so he will be ready if the monsters do a sneak attack or something.