Chapter 21

Ambers POV

"now be a good girl and push" she said "No Ahhhh" I screamed. "Drink this" the vampire said bringing a cup of red liquid to me. "no way" I said as another contraction came over me. "if you don't wish to die then drink it girl" he said putting the cup to my lip. I drank it I was most likely going to die anyway.

"Ahhhh" I screamed "Listen little witch the child is coming weather you like it or not so I suggest you push" Alphonse said "and don't scream you might burst some blood vessels" said Adira.

and so I pushed. not that I actually had a choice that was the whole point of contractions. but before long there were the sounds of cries. "wahhhh" I heard as tears filled my eyes and sweat fell from my face. "it's a baby girl" Adira said with a light smile on her face. she wrapped her in a towel and picked her up beginning to walk away.

"Wait" I said. "Please, let me hold her" I pleaded. she looked at Ragnar and he nodded. she brought my baby over to me, as the baby continued to cry. then carefully handed her to me "on the day of night a power born huh" I said I stared at my beautiful baby.

she was so tiny, probably from being born so early, and she has little bits of hair poking up from her tiny head. "my beautiful baby, I love you so much" I said lightly hugging her. "defendat ab omni periculo usque ad extremum spiritum" I whispered quickly. "that's enough" Adira said then took my baby from me. "please no I'm begging you don't hurt her" I cried. "Shut up" alpha said taking a knife and stabbed it just above my belly. "die quietly" he said.

"What did you do" Adira cried "be silent witch let's go" Alphonse said leaving the room. "let's go Adira" said Ragnar as he also left the room. Adira stared back at me for a moment"I'm sorry dear child" she said then quietly followed them.

no this cant happen, if I die she won't be safe. I need to find help. I tried to get off the bed and succeeded by falling off of it. I then began to use my arms to pull my self across the floor in order to try and get to the door. I unfortunately grew tired quickly. I was losing blood quickly from giving birth then being stabbed. the chance that I would die quickly began to grow. "please Hecate, Selene I don't care if I die but please let my baby live" I said aloud. "I beg the" I added as my vision began to grow dark...

suddenly the door burst open. "Amber!" I heard Chris's voice say as he ran to me and picked me up then just held me. "Amber stay with me" he said. I could see the tears brimming his eyes. "F-find h-her" I stuttered. "Amber" I heard Nathans voice in the background almost like a whisper. "T-Their going T-To Kill h-her" I said.

"Amber I can't" Chris said "You p-promised" I said. my mother suddenly ran into the room with my brother "go find the baby" Jackson said. "we'll take care of her" he added seriously. Chris looked down at me then looked back up at Jackson and nodded then walked over to Nathan. "Let's go save my child" Nathan said seriously as they left.

"Amber stay with us we'll heal you" my mother said moving my hair out of my face. "Jackson start the healing spell on her stab wound I need to stitch up her v****a" my mother said as she pulled out her medical bag.

my brother put his hands over my wound then started chanting "sana dolor convertat vulnus" he said "sana dolor convertat vulnus" he continued over and over again as his hands began to give off a light glow. "just hang in there baby" my mother said as she began to stitch up my V****a. "done" my mother said as she finished her last stitch "it isn't perfect but it will make it till we gwt you home" she said. she then sighed. "the spell is taking longer to work then it should" she started.

"The vampire he gave me S-something" I said quietly. "What did he give you?" my mother asked worried. "I-I dont know" I said "I-I was in labor a-and pushing, but it was red and liquidie" I said. "Damnit" my mother said. "Jackson stop it won't work" she said to my brother. he stopped and looked at her confused"what do you mean it is working" he said. "all you did was stop the bleeding that's as far as you'll get" my mother said. "what do you mean?" he asked "they gave her vampire blood" she replied.

"mom?" I said "sh sh it's ok you'll be fine I promise" she said rubbing my forehead lightly. tears began to fall from my eyes. "you were right" I said. "about what?" she asked her eyes now tearing up "the baby... i-it was a g-girl" I said with a hopeful smile.

even though the bleeding had stopped my vision slowly became darker. "sweety you have to stay awake" my mother said. "I'm to t-tired mom" I said as my head fell to the side "just a little longer Amber" my brother said his voice cracking.

they wanted me to stay awake, but it was to late. I was in shock and I had already lost to much blood. the world was beginning to fade from my view and before long, everything became dark....

"Amber..." I heard a female voice say sweetly. I opened my eyes and there was only darkness around me. "hello?" I said confused on where I was. "What is this place? did I die?" I asked. "no you didn't die" the voice echoed sweetly around me. "Who are you?" I asked. suddenly she appeared in front of me.

she was beautiful. she had long white hair and pale skin with blue. she wore a beautiful golden dress that fell to her knees and honestly didn't look much older then me. "you can call me Selene" she said in a soft voice...

To Be Continued