Chapter 23

Ambers POV

when I opened my eyes again I was back in the hospital. "Amber" my mother said as she cried over me. "Where is she" I asked weakly. "right here" Nathan said as he held her in his arms. he walked over to me as I pressed a button on the bed to help me sit up, then carefully handed her to me.

as I held her I just looked at her and smiled. then I looked up at Nathan "she has to have my last name" I said seriously. he looked shocked. "they'll have a harder time finding her if she has my last name" I said. he looked sad but I could tell he understood "then I want to give her, her first name" he said "of course you have to like it" he added. "What name do you have in mind?" I asked "Kyra" he said. "In Latin it means Light and in Hebrew it means Leader of the people" he continued. "I'm not exactly sure why but I have a feeling she'll be both" he added "Kyra Mikayla Lewis" I said.

"Light and leader of the people, who is like God, famed battle" I said "that is what her full name means" I said looking down at her. "my little light" I said to her. "what happened to Adira, Ragnar and Alphonse?" I asked worried. "Alphonse is dead the other two got away" Nathan replied.

"how did you guys find me?" I asked curiously. "Literal magic" Chris said as he entered the room. "Chris" I said with a smile, happy to see him. "I am so glad your ok" he said kissing my forehead.

"Anyway he's right we used magic to find you" Nathan said.

"are you gonna explain?" I asked. Chris sighed. "well it was about 36 hours ago" Chris said.


36 Hours Earlier

"Mia" Jackson said "everyone looked at him confused "Mia was the seer who took after Lora maybe she can find her" Jackson said. "we don't have enough time to drive back that 5 hours" Emily said. "Astral projection spell, then we'll do a blood locater spell to narrow her location" Jackson said. "Alright let's do it, Jackson head over to mia Chris and I will to the locater spell" Emily said. "why me?" Chris asked "because your her God damn mate aren't you" she said annoyed. "Alright people let's move" she added clapping her hands.

Jackson sat legs crossed almost as if he was meditating. "Astral proiectio vatem mia" he said. instantly he was transported into a small apartment 5 hours away. "Mia!" he yelled. "ahh" mia screamed dropping a glass. "What the hell Jackson that was my favorite cup!" mia said annoyed. "Are you Astral projecting?" she asked confused.

"I had no choice my sister disappeared from the hospital and I need your help to narrow her location" Jackson said quickly. "it doesn't work like that" mia said walking over to Jackson "Please Mia I'm begging you just try" Jackson begged. mia stared at him for a second then sighed. "I'll try but I can't make any promises on what I see or don't see" mia said seriously.

"That's fine" Jackson replied. Mia pit her hand in a triangle shape then began to speak "o dea lunae audi vocationem meam ostende mihi quid opus sit ut Amber Lewis inveniatur, multorum deorum subolem" she said. "huaaaaa" she said taking a deep breath as her eyes turned white. after a second she fell to her knees. "an abandoned house 67 miles from here near the edge of woods, it's in neutral territory" she said looking up at Jackson. Jackson knelt to her level "thank you, id hug you right now if I wouldn't go through you" he said with a smile. "Rain check then" she replied with a smile. "Rain check" he also said "Redi" he said disappearing

he opened his eyes and he was back with Chris Nathan and everyone else. "did you get anything?" Nathan asked "she said she saw an abandoned house 67 miles from here near the edge of woods, and it's in neutral territory" Jackson relayed almost exact. "WE HAVE A GENERAL AREA" Jacksons mother Emily yelled. "SO DO WE" Jackson yelled standing up.

"let's go get Amber back" Chris said.


"Wow sounds crazy" I said slightly surprised as I once again looked down at Kyra. 'shes really just to cute' I thought to myself. "Wahhhh, wahhhh" she suddenly began to cry. "ah did I do something wrong!" I said worried as I looked up at my mother for help. "no she might just be hungry" my mother said. "hungry?" I said looking down at her. my eyes went wide as I realized I had to breast feed her.

"All men out" I said glaring up "cmon we've already had sex" Nathan said. "and we're mates" Chris added. "get out" I said again. "you heard the girl she wants some privacy" my mother said shooing them out of the room.

"how do I do this exactly" I asked my mother. "it's easy" she said "all you have to do is Make sure your baby's mouth is open very wide almost like she's yawning, then bring your baby quickly to the breast, Attach, and continue to support your breast until she is sucking and swallowing in a rhythmic pattern." my mother explained simply.

"I'm doing it" I said looking up at her happily as Kyra started sucking. "your doing great" my mother said with a smile.

I wanted to ask more questions. where do we go from here? how are we supposed to stop Adira and Ragnar? how do we keep Kyra safe? I wanted to ask, but at the same time I wanted to stay in this moment. this single moment when my baby was safe and not threatened by the world around her.

right now no one was going to hurt her, kill her or sacrifice her to take her power. right now she was safe in my arms, and right now I was willing to give my life to protect her.

she was absolutely perfect in this moment. she was was my little light...

To Be Continued.

Authors Note:

breastfeeding info from this chapter came from's%20mouth,in%20a%20deep%20rhythmic%20pattern.

I am not knowledgeable about it as I don't have kids so I had to research.