Chapter 6

Kyras Pov


"Where are we going" the young girl asked as the man held her hand and walked her down a long hallway. "a room" was all he said. 4 children followed behind them.

it didn't take long for them to get to a small room at the end of the long hallway. "what is this?" Kyra asked confused. "you must stay here" the man replied. the girl looked at him confused. then her light blue eyes lit up with realization and slight betrayal. "you lied to me" she said looking into his eyes desperately.

"yes" he said. "I had no other choice I wish to live" he continued. "how does lying help you live?" the girl asked confused. he just looked at her. "not everything I said was a lie" he told her. "I meant it when I said you and I were alike" he continued. anger began to build up in kyras heart, so much so he could see it just by looking her in her eyes. "you and I are both hybrids" he said honestly. "that makes you the only living being in the whole world who can be my vessel" he told her.

"what's a vessel?" Kyra asked. he hesitated for a second. "it means you embody the exact qualities and traits I need to take over your body" he explained. "so.... your going to steal my body?" Kyra asked sadly. "yes" he replied plainly.

Kyra looked down at the ground for a second then looked back up at him. her eyes filled with anger and contempt but also one more thing. something that a 5 year old should never carry in her soul. darkness...

"I was wrong" she said in a low voice. "you are a monster" Kyra continued. he just looked at her no emotion on his face what so ever. "and you young witch truly seem to carry the devil with you" he said "your wrong" Kyra replied. "Like my Mother I Am the devil" she told him as some strange and unusual darkness filled her eyes even more.

the air around became cold and heavy. he couldn't breath. before he could do anything else he quickly closed the door. the first hint of emotion covered his face. shock, no was he surprised at what he had just witnessed. no that couldn't be it either, but he was a hybrid just like her how could she have such darkness within her. the same darkness he had with in him. but the sliver of emotion he just felt wasn't surprise, or shock, but instead fear. she truly was the perfect vessel for him.

hours went by as she stayed trapped in the room. she had no way to escape. she didn't know how to use her witch powers and she wouldn't shift I to her wolf form for years. honestly she didn't even completely know what she was or what she could do.

she was a young 5 almost 6 year old girl. and she was scared. she knew her family would be looking for her but how long would it take to find her.

finally after 7 hours the door to the room she was in finally opened. 2 of the 4 children under the man's control had entered the room and grabbed her then dragged her out of the room. she could fight back and try to run away but the chances of her accidently hurting them were high, and she knew it wasn't completely their fault they were being controlled.

she was taken to another room this time it was much larger. maybe 2 or even 3 times bigger then the room she was just in. the man was also in this bigger room, and the other 2 children stood by his side. there was also some sort of strange table in the middle of the room. the 2 children who had brought her to the larger room walked her to the table and quickly tied her to it.

"I'm sure your curious as to what's about to happen to you" the man said walking over to Kyra. she stayed silent. what could she say? she knew no matter what the chances of her potentially being able to talk her way kut of this was practically impossible.

"fine don't ask...." the man said "I'll tell you anyway what's about to happen to you" he continued.

"first of all there is a technicality when it comes to the full moon" he said. "A" Kyra questioned as she had difficulty pronouncing it. "yes" he said "technically there are 3 nights of the full moon" he continued. "the night before.... the night of.... and the night after...." he began to explain. "Like the full moon this will take 3 nights so your body doesn't die" he said.

"tonight... all my power will be put into you. tomorrow night, the other children's power will be put in you in order to stabilize my power that will be put into you" he explained. "and what about the 3rd night?" Kyra asked. "on the 3rd night my soul will be put into you..... and in result..... you will die" he said seriously. "your body your power and your mind will be mine it's as simple as that" he continued.

Kyra stayed silent. she was only 5 she didn't know what death was... she barley knew the word. she wanted to ask. she wanted to ask what was death why did she have to die. what did it mean? but she had a feeling she wouldn't like the answer very much.

"now let's begin!" the man said. he began to touch Kyra's forehead like he had only done just a few hours prior "pone mihi potestatem in corpore suo" he said beginning to chant those words. the once bright green light the surrounded his body began to rise above his head into a big ball of green light. it only got bigger as more of his power filled it. then it stopped...

it stopped growing and stopped glowing brighter and brighter. then it quickly rushed downward entering straight into kyras body. "Ahhhhh" she cried out in pain as she suddenly blacked out.

To Be Continued