Chapter 14

Ambers Pov

"Kyra told me some things while we were talking," said Chris after he finished kissing me. "what is it?" I asked slightly concerned. "she believes the hybrid who kidnapped her the one you killed with hellfire is still alive and living inside of her subconscious" Chris explained. "and she thinks he may hold the answer to fix everything" Chris continued.

"she's not going back in there" I said seriously "it's to dangerous look at the damage she caused from the first time" I continued "I'm not saying she should" Chris said honestly "but Maybe someone else should" he added.

"no" I said "I don't trust it there's another way to find answers and I know it" I said honestly. "Amber look at her" Chris snapped. "really look at her" he continued "Kyra is tired, she is tired of always being protected, she's tired of seeing everyone search for answers that seem impossible to find. she is tired of seeing her mother cry and constantly worried for her why do you think she took matters into her own hands think about how she feels" he argued.

"I ALWAYS THINK ABOUT HOW MY DAUGHTER FEELS IF I DIDNT I WOULDN'T BE DOING ANY OF THIS" I yelled. "YOUR PUSHING HER AWAY AMBER" Chris yelled. he sighed "your pushing everyone away" he said solemnly.

"i-i think I need to be alone right now Chris" I said turning away from him "This is exactly what I mean" he replied as he turned and walked away.

I didn't fight with Chris often but whenever we did fight he would always give me my space. maybe Chris was right, maybe kyras method wasn't so wrong after all. I didn't like it, not one little bit... but maybe it was the only way.

I walked back inside, Kyra, Sasha and Chris were back in the room that I had previously found Kyra and Sasha in before. "were doing that spell again" I said and the girls looked at me shocked. "we are?" Kyra questioned confused. "yes, but this time I'll be the one going into your mind, I Piven you but you caused to much damage earlier" I expanded and she nodded.

we both sat down on the floor. I held both her hands then we closed our eyes. I was wasteing no time "pone me intra mentem eius" I said. suddenly I was in darkness. this must have been her mind, I thought.

a green door appeared. I walked over to it. the slowly opened it. "you" a familiar male voice said annoyed. "seems she was right, you, really are still alive" I said staring at the man I had most definitely killed just over 10 years ago.

"a part of my soul escaped into your daughter's subconscious just before my death, she is my prison, the only thing keeping me close to life" the man said. "you know I realized something" I said looking down then looking back up at him. "what's your name?" I asked. "What does that matter?" he asked. "I just want to know" I said. he hesitated for a moment. "my name is Mikail" he said honestly.

I took a deep breath "how do I free Kyra from the dark magic?" I asked him "do you intend to kill her?" he asked. "of course not" I replied annoyed. "the there is no way" he said simply. "THERE HAS TO BE!" I snapped. "when you interrupted me putting those children's energy inside her you stopped and possibility of her being safe from it" he said plainly. "I don't believe you" I said.

"I suppose there might be another way" he said "but the only other thing I can think of is to wait until she is at her weakest point and Siphon the dark magic out of her of course the chances of her surviving are slim considering the weakest time would be during a shift into wolf form" he explained "she could die" I said shocked. he smiled.... "that's not even the worst case scenario" he said. "now it would probably be best if you left you wouldn't want to leave that door open for to long and risk me taking control of her" he said.

and so I left closing the door I had opened behind me, and landing myself back into the darkness of her mind. "dimittis" I said as I waved my hand in the air.

we opened our eyes at the same time. "wow not gonna lie I was starting to get worried there for a sec" Sasha said awkwardly. "how long were we out?" I asked curiously "half the day" Chris replied. "wow it didn't even feel like it" Kyra said.

"so did you find what we were looking for?" Sasha asked. I turned my head to face her. "I think so but I want to do some research first to make sure what I found is true so don't get your hopes up" I said standing up. "ha no way mom" Kyra said awkwardly as she also stood up. "you get some rest ok" I said looking at her concerned, she nodded.

"leta go Chris" I said, then Chris and I left the room together and walked down to my office. "what are you worried?" Chris asked concerned. "I'm worried about every word he said while I was in there" I replied.


so what was it like having someone else in your head?" Sasha asked as she leaned against the desk. "it felt a little weird honestly" Kyra replied awkwardly.

"hey are you feeling ok?" Sasha asked as concerned noticing the pale look on kyras face and quickly walking over to her. "yeah I just suddenly feel off for some reason" Kyra said seeming a little weird out. "come on your probably just low on energy from all the power you accidentally used up" Sasha said walking me out of the room with a slight chuckle.

she walked me all the home "seriously get some rest and text me later" she said "I will" I replied, then unlocked the door and went into the house.

I sighed as I closed the door behind me. "finally alone" I said as I leaned up against the door. "Are you sure about that" I heard a male voice say from inside my head.

To Be Continued