Chapter 18

Nathan's pov

"IT'S BEEN 3 DAYS... SHE IS LEAVING A TRAIL OF ASH AND YOU IDIOTS STILL CANT FIND HER" I yelled at my hunters. "'re sorry Alpha every time we think we corner her she manages to find an escape," the lead hunter said his head facing down towards the floor. "GET OUT AND DONT COME BACK UNTIL YOU HAVE HER" I yelled once more. they quickly left.

I grabbed something off my desk and threw it at the door, Derek managed to catch it as he walked into my office. "you have to calm down" he said in a neutral tone. "you are not telling me to calm down when my daughter is out there doing who knows what with dark magic" I said through gritted teeth. "All I'm saying is being angry and irrational isn't going to find her any faster" Derek replied.

I tilted my head down and covered my eyes with my hand as I sighed. then dragged my hand down my face almost as if to stretch it. "has Amber found anything?" I asked calmly. "From what I heard Kyra managed to block their tracking" he replied. "Dammit," I said under my breath.

"Dad" I heard Ava's voice. I turned to see her standing in the doorway. "what is it, sweetie?" I asked. She hesitated for a second. "why don't you love Kyra?" she asked softly. my eyes went wide. I was shocked by the question, definitely not expecting it. "of course I love Kyra" I said kneeling down to her. "why would you think I don't?" I asked her.

"Because I've never seen you love her like you do me and Ethan" she replied. "And I stole her diary from a few years ago," she said holding up the notebook. I looked down at it then looked back up at her. "can I borrow this?" I asked. She nodded and handed me the book, then quickly left.

I stood up and opened the notebook to the first page as I walked over to my desk and sat down. Derek watching my every move.


1/6/14 Dear diary.

today is my 10th birthday. and everyone came to see me. I was so happy, I had so much fun.

2/12/14 dear diary

I'm sad today. I went to Daddy's for the weekend. I just wanted to spend time with him. I went to his office to see if he'd play with me but he said running a pack is a lot of work. I wish he could play with Me like he plays with the twins.


why doesn't Daddy love me? am I not enough, he lives the twins so much. I wish he could love me as much he loves them


I continued to flip through the pages. each page describing how hurt I made her feel. how she thought I didn't love her. her wishes her dreams all about me.


4\5\14 Dear Diary

I'm scared he'll abandon me

5/10/14 dear diary

he makes me want to cry when he pushes me away

6/7/14 dear diary

all he does is ignore me

Dear Diary

Dear Diary

Dear diary...

am I a monster?

Dear Diary

Dear Diary

Dear diary.....

Why doesn't he love me?


I slammed the book closed shocked at what I just read. She would have been around 10 when she wrote this. how could a 10 year old write this.... no..... how could a 10 year old feel this.... how could I make my first daughter. my oldest child feel like this.

"I'm the monster!" I said looking up a Derek. "I'm sorry?" he asked confused. I tossed him the book" How could I make my own child feel like that?" I asked as he opened the book. "was I really that neglectful to her?" I asked Derek.

"it's true you didn't pay as much attention to her as you did the twins" Derek replied. he was always one to be blunt with me. "I need to find her now," I said standing up. "what was her last location?" I asked seriously. "Alpha I don't think..." "Last location?" I asked again interrupting him. he sighed.

"Westport New York" Derek replied "It's on the border of New York and Vermont" he continued. "I'll be running there have some hunters meet me there along with some extra clothes... I fully intend to come back with my daughter" I said as I walked out of my office.

I ran outside into the woods and immediately shifted into my wolf form. I didn't even concern myself with taking my clothes off first and just let them rip.

I immediately took off. wasting no time as I ran through trees and jumped over logs. my wolf was agile, and fast. this was what he was built for.

it would take me 4 hours of non-stop running to get to Westport. I was ready anyway. the drive to bring my daughter back. to help her come back to her senses. to fix what I broke. that's what drove me. it was only now that I realized how much I pushed her away. how much I ignored her and neglected her.

Dammit, why did I do it? how could I. Why didn't I realize it sooner? the thoughts filling my mind fueling my need to find her and making me run faster.

before I knew I made it to Westport. hunters from my lack met me at the edge of the woods with a car and clothes. I quickly transformed and put on the clothes they gave me, then we began our search. "from what we can tell she's still here Alpha" John the lead hunter said. "good" I replied. when we made it into the city we we parked the car and I began relying on her scent. She was close.

I followed her scent for a few blocks when it finally ended in an alley.


I knew that sound better than anyone. the Body of a wolf that was floating in the air dropped to the ground. Kyra turned around. then she smiled. "Hi Daddy!" she said with an evil glint in her eyes.

To Be Continued