Chapter 2

"Stay back" she said taking a step back. she wasn't ready to see her family, not yet. not when it still wasn't safe."Kyra Please just hear us out" Ethan said. this wasn't the time or place. the alpha and the few extra pack members he had brought stood behind ava, Ethan Chris Mia and Sasha, and just watched the situation. if that alpha really was part of Triad then this wasn't the place to show that they were her weakness. "it's best if you leave" Kyra said "NOW.." she added in a dark tone as her eyes gave off a green glow. "Kyra won't you please just listen" Ava said pleading. suddenly the Earth began to shake. the cause was obvious. Kyras powers had obviously grown significantly in the past 6 years.

"Don't make me say it again" she said in a threatening tone. Suddenly she noticed the alpha lunging at Sasha with a knife. In the blink of an eye she appeared in front of him and took the brunt of the attack, getting stabbed in the right shoulder. She didn't make a peep as he twisted the knife. She quickly grabbed the knife she hid in her pocket, before he could react she stabbed him in the heart. It wasn't something she wanted to do but she didn't have a choice. Everyone stared at her as the Alphas lifeless body hit the ground. "Who's next?" She said glaring at the remaining pack members. It took them only Seconds to process what just happened before running away. Kyra turned to her family, then pulled the knife out of her shoulder, quickly throwing It on the ground.

"What did you just do?" Ava asked in horror. Kyra looked her directing the eyes before answering. "I just killed the alpha of the Nastin Pack because none of you know how to stay in your own lane" Kyra answered obviously annoyed.

"But why you were never like this, you've changed... you've become..." ava said but Kyra Interrupted "a monster" she finished. She began to walk past the group that had come for her "some are simply born with tragedy in their blood" she said almost as if she believed that to be true. "And some are simply created to do what others cannot" chris added. She stopped for a moment but didn't turn back.

"Do you really think this is what your mother would have wanted" Chris said causing anger to grow inside her. Kyra slowly turned to them "Do you really think my mother could have predicted any of this" Kyra said through gritted teeth. "But I could have" Mia said stepping forward "and yet you didn't" Kyra replied.

"Let me ask you this" Kyra said "can you stop the Triad?" She asked. It was a simple question. One she herself already knew the answer to. The silence that filled the air answered her question the same. No. They didn't have the power to stop the Triad from killing all of them. But kyra did. She was probably the only one who would have been able to either way. And she wouldn't hesitate to kill anyone if it meant finding the leader.

"Mind your own business" she said before turning and walking away again.

"She's changed so much" ava said.

Now that both the alpha and beta of the Nastin Pack were dead Kyra had to find another lead and she only knew one person who might be a le to help her.

"Well if of it isn't miss Kyra Lewis" a man said as she approached him in a night club. "Alexander it's been some time" she said. "To long" he replied. "What can I help my favorite little hybrid with today?" He asked.

Arthur Tudor, a 500 year old vampire and brother to Henry the 8th. Apparently after he turned into a vampire he faked his death, he was only about 15 or 16 at the time.

"I lost my lead I need your help finding a new one" Kyra said simply. "Lost it?" He Questioned. "I highly doubt that love" he said as he stood up. "Unfortunately I don't have any right now" he said walking over to the bar and Kyra followed. "You don't have any?" Kyra said not believing him. "Unfortunately not but as soon as I do you will be the first I call" he said as the bartender handed him two drinks. "I highly doubt that" Kyra replied. "Unfortunately for you, you have no other choice but to trust me" he said taking a sip of one of his drinks. "Would you like one?" he asked holding the one he didn't drink up. Kyra just stared at him in annoyance. "You truly must lighten up trust me when I say life isn't all about revenge" he said simply. Kyra took the drink. "Your annoying" she said then took it like a shot it was only a martini.

"Call me when you get a lead" she said then walked out of the club.

Kyra was annoyed. She quickly shifted into her wolf form and took off into the nearby woods. She was stressed. She just wanted to end things as quickly as possible. She just wanted a peaceful life.

Suddenly a dizziness came over Kyra, causing her to slow down. What was happening. No, could the drink have been spiked? She wondered as she came to a walk and began to wobble around then fall to the ground. What the hell could do this to her she was immune to almost anything.

She laid on the ground unable to move as she attempted to stay awake. That was when she heard footsteps.

Then someone standing above her. "We got her boss" and unfamiliar person said. "She's down for the count and in her wolf form to should be much easier to get her back without questions being asked" the person said as kyras eyes closed. She didn't understand. How in the holy hell was she caught? And by who?

To Be Continued