"So that mask is not fake huh"
"Fudo, give Kiyoto-san some space please. He needs a rest."
"Right…sorry about that. You too Kiyoto-kun, thank you for defending this place"
Fudo gave a thumbs up. Mylene on the other hand is busy bandaging up Kiyoto's hands and the other body parts that seems to be affected by the impact he took in the earlier brawl. The men that Kiyoto defeated were arrested except the Sad mask which probably left the scene afterwards. A lot more of them have been arrested, it is to be surmised that the attack was planned by an uprising Organization called the "Scythes" and their goal of replacing the "Swords".
"What a vague goal" Mylene commented as she thinks about what the Sad mask has proclaimed. "There, all done. It's a shame you can't take some medicines though…" Fudo then realized something and inquired "Wait, then how are you going to eat or drink if that mask is getting in the way?" Kiyoto then replied "Strangely, I feel like I don't have the need to consume food or feel some thirst. Like it's already…err, natural for me."
"Whoa. Now that's convenient, you're not gonna worry about spending money on meals and drinks anymore" said Fudo, jokingly. Sigh "You mean painful as you miss out on every good things the world can offer you" Mylene retracted even knowing that it was just a joke. "What if Kiyoto-san gets sick and needs to take medicine…"
Kiyoto scratches the back of his head as if he doesn't want her to worry about him. After a moment, he noticed Yato leaning beside the open door waiting to be noticed.
Adding some more information, they changed rooms since the previous room is currently undergoing repairs after the brawl that happened. "Good work fighting off the invaders, Cracked Mask" Says Yato "Though they turned tails, this incident just showed us that there are people out there planning to overthrow our organization. And they're serious."
"Scythes…this is the first time I've heard of them. They're also bold enough to make their first move near our 2nd HQ." Fudo looked up, staring at the ceiling with her arms crossed as she pondered about something. "I wonder though…what makes them think like that. I mean which part of Lord Akafuyu's rule are they not satisfied about?"
"Maybe because they're not local."
Yato's claim made everyone in the room stare at him with a serious expression. Well except, of course, Kiyoto who has no idea what it pertains to. Sword members excel in different parts, Yato in particular is one of the smart ones and is highly capable of thinking bigger pictures than the others. So hearing what he just said surprised the two members inside the room.
"Well we will discuss it in the meeting room once we're done briefing each other. For the meantime—" Yato looked at the resting Kiyoto and turned his gaze afterwards to Mylene. Not speaking a word, Mylene fully understood what Yato wanted to say. One noticeable thing after this exchange is that Mylene seems to be happy.
"Alright, get some rest everyone. Tomorrow we will rendezvous again." Yato finally left the room which was then followed by Fudo after she cheerfully waved at the two.
"Well then, I know you already slept a lot but it would be better for you to take another one. Passing the night sleepless will make you weak after all" Mylene smiled and walked towards the door. "If you need any assistance you can find me in the next room to your right okay?" With that said, she finally made her exit, leaving Kiyoto alone in the room.
He looked at his hands and thought about something 'It all happened too fast…but even though I lost my memory…it's as if I still know how to fight…wait… if I do know how to fight back when I still have my memories…why am I fighting then…who am I fighting for…' Lost in thoughts, he passed the next hour just staring at blank space, which then made him tired and finally slept.
A new day has finally come. The sun rises and the traffic flows nicely. People are busy and the establishments affected by the last attack are undergoing repairs. Kiyoto and Mylene are on their way to the Swords main Quarters where their Ruler, Akafuyu is currently residing. They are aboard a private vehicle owned by the Swords. Kiyoto has a hood in order to make sure no one sees him in public. After all, wearing a mask out in the open like it's just normal and more importantly, a normal citizen like him may cause some unsightly rumors.
While on their way, Mylene briefed Kiyoto about everything he wished to know about the city, their organization and about the Heralds. But of course, she withheld some about the Swords for precaution.
"Looks like you know alot about your ruler Mylene-san."
"Of course, after all we are childhood friends. You might also be interested to know, but Akafuyu is the youngest of all the Heralds next to most recent addition, 2nd Herald Lunar"
"Ascending to the ranks of Herald already despite the young age. I can already tell how much potential she has."
Mylene smiled wryly as if she reminisced something about their past. "She worked herself to the bone just to attain what she has now…if only her father could see what she achieved now…"
Kiyoto noticed the change in atmosphere and so he decided to pry no more and change the subject. "Uhm…well I'm looking forward to meeting her. Hope I don't bite my tongue accidentally." Mylene laughed at his statement and reassured him "Don't worry, Akafuyu treats everyone fairly. She has no use of intimidation and such"
The car slowed down as they will soon approach their destination. An enormous gate is blocking the way but when the guards saw Mylene waving, they opened it quickly. Kiyoto turns his gaze outside the car's window to observe the surroundings. Several buildings composed the majority of the landscape. At the center of the Quarters, a great statue can be seen with scribblings on its base. The statue's model is none other than the first wielder of the legendary mask that is passed on the generations of their bloodline which is now in Akafuyu's keep, Netsui Ogawara.
All of the establishments here are built by the hard work of the people who believed in Netsui and her principles. One can say that out of all Heralds, Netsui is the most beloved by the people due to her kindness and passion. Knowing this, it's a pressure to keep up with what she had started which is now burdening the young Akafuyu. To add more weight, with the introduction of the so-called "Scythes" who challenges her authority, it will no doubt leave a huge impact on her mind.
"We're here, Kiyoto-san" The car makes a stop as they finally reached their destination. The two of them stepped out of the car and waved to their driver. "Stay close to me and never take off your hood, ok?" Mylene gestured to Kiyoto to follow her, by which Kiyoto did so in return. As they walk past the staffs, Mylene always seems to get halted by the members to greet her as if she were friends with everyone. In order to keep a low profile, Kiyoto decides to keep his head down as if he is a major introvert while Mylene takes care of business. As the two are nearing their destination, a certain someone gets in their way.
"Been a while, Mylene. Based on your trail, it seems like you're going to My Mistress's chambers. If you don't mind me asking, what's your business there and—who is that hooded man tagging along with you?" The voice is intimidating as if demanding an appropriate answer. A menacing aura can be felt by just getting near this person. Due to curiosity, Kiyoto raised his head for a bit and was surprised about what he just saw.
The "person" standing in their way is not human at all. To describe him: he is a skeleton who is, in fact, able to communicate like a normal human and has the ability to think like one as well. His whole body is covered by a long, dark robe with an Insignia of the Swords in the middle. Mylene then responded like she was expecting to be stopped by him.
"Good timing Klauss, I'm actually here to introduce a new member of the Swords to Akafuyu and ask for her advice at the same time. Can you please get us in?" Wait, new member of the Swords? Is she talking about me? Kiyoto thought to himself after hearing Mylene's response. "New member you say? Isn't it the Commander's job to brief them and not Mistress Akafuyu?" To add more information, Akafuyu is the Ruler of the city and the Supreme Commander of the Swords at the same time. The position of Commander however is a different kind of authority which is being held by another person.
"This is a special case you see, we might need the knowledge of a Herald to answer the questions we have." Mylene shifted to the side in order for Klauss to clearly see Kiyoto who is hiding behind her under a hood. "Why is he wearing a– wait, it's damaged. And what's up with this design? It looks like someone carved it from a special type of wood." Klauss the skeleton walked closer to Kiyoto to inspect the mask. He touched it with his fingertip "Hmm, it's not fake. But to get damaged like this–" Mylene cuts him off "Also Klauss, he has no recollection of what happened to him and his past. The only thing he remembers is his name and, well, his ability to defend himself."
Klauss looked at Mylene with his brow raised (though he has no brow, skeleton things) "Hng, now you piqued my curiosity. Well done." Klauss clasped both of his hands and gestured to them to follow him. Mylene glanced at Kiyoto knowing that he has a lot of questions, but in response, she just smirked and followed behind Klauss. Without having to take some time to process things, Kiyoto followed suit.
After a while of walking, they stopped in front of the door to Akafuyu's chambers. "Wait there you two." When Klauss was about to knock, Mylene just casually opened the door like she owns the room. "A-ka-fu-yu! I came to check on you!" Kiyoto gasped about what Mylene had done, meanwhile Klauss was just standing there doing a facepalm.
Inside is a spacious room with a huge table at the center, mainly used for meetings and banquets for special occasions. The design is modern yet there are some parts that show antiquity that it feels like no one dares to change them. And in the far side of the room, there stands a young girl who looks like in her early mid-teens, staring at the window seemingly lost in thought.
She wears a red modern breastplate with the insignia of the Swords, underneath is an old-fashioned dress made from a red cloth. The most noticeable thing about her is her long Crimson hair that looks like it's glowing when under the sunlight which is also the same case with her eyes. It can be seen that her full body armor is currently displayed besides her main office table. Finally, she gives the aura of a strong experienced Ruler. Obviously, it is none other than their Ruler, Akafuyu.
"Mylene? What are you doing here all of a sudden, you should have at least informed me so I can prepare a longer schedule!" Without stopping her trudge, Mylene rushed to Akafuyu and gave her a hug. "Don't worry, we're here for business. Well, we can always schedule a hang-out sometimes." Mylene said cheerfully as she let go of her. Klauss finally walks in along with Kiyoto who is following closely behind him. "Mistress Akafuyu, I apologize if we disturbed your peaceful morning. Actually, there is a matter that they want your advice with." Hearing this, Akafuyu finally retracted: "Yes. I seem to feel a presence I am not familiar with, outside the door." She then takes a glance towards the masked Kiyoto. Akafuyu wore the same expression like everyone who sees his mask for the first time.
Before speaking up, Akafuyu turns her gaze towards Mylene, expecting an explanation. "Ah alright, I'll explain" Understanding what she wants, Mylene explained his situation in detail. After all that, they all found themselves seated in front of the meeting table except Klauss who is standing besides his Master.
"I see. You made the right decision to bring this matter to me first Mylene."
"Then you know something about this case?" Mylene said with eyes of expectations.
"Not entirely. But I have some theories…" Akafuyu looks at Kiyoto as if she's about to question him. Kiyoto, in response, looks back at her. There is no pressure residing within the room, it's as if you can voice out anything in the presence of Akafuyu despite being a big shot.
"Kiyoto, what do you know about the Heralds?" A strange question to ask him. Kiyoto just responded with what he learned from Mylene and the others which is only touching the surface about them. "If that's the only thing you know, then let me indulge you with some information about us: every Mask wields exceptional power that crosses the line of humanity, since you're not currently a human while wielding one yourself" Everyone in the room nodded in response. Although no one can still tell what is the connection of it with the problem at hand.
Akafuyu continues. "But what separates the Heralds from others is…that the power our mask holds…are conceptual. A phenomenon of making the impossible possible." The room turned quiet for a moment. "It leads me to a theory about your query: I can definitely say that the only person capable of shattering a mask would be one of the Heralds. Kiyoto, it would be possible that someone from our rank is out to get you."