Chapter 4: Recommendation and another Incident

"Mistress, so you're saying that we're currently holding a person that can ignite another Herald's wrath upon us?" Klauss asks for confirmation.

"I said that it was just a possibility. Well if you think about it, no one can get away from them in one piece. Yet, Kiyoto was found uninjured, no?"

Mylene nodded as a confirmation about Akafuyu's inquiry. "I also believe that Kiyoto would not do anything that will incur the wrath of a Herald." Kiyoto glanced at Mylene as if he was touched with her statement about him, which gets a second opinion from Klauss. "You're too trusting Mylene, no offense intended Kiyoto"

Kiyoto didn't take any offense, in fact, he would agree with him if he's in their position. After all, a person of unknown past with a case of amnesia spells out as a red flag. "Well enough of that, what I want to know more is why the mask refuses to get off." Akafuyu switched the discussion to another matter regarding the mask. Everyone just stayed quiet since no one really knows or has the slightest idea what to make of it.

"Well masks have different features, Mistress. I think it's safe to assume for now that it's one of the mask's unique properties." Klauss added: "About what to do next, might I suggest a quick appraisal of his mask?"

"Appraisal?" Kiyoto wondered

"Ah. I see, looks like I have to brief you about it as well." A white board magically slides through besides Klauss who is now wearing glasses even though he does not really need it. Everyone in the room did not mind and just let him do his thing.

"First of all, I would like to formally introduce who I am. Klauss is the name granted to me by my Mistress Akafuyu, and I am one of the many manifestations of her Helm's power."

Kiyoto nodded in response as if he already worked out the details back then. Though he wonders why it took the form of a skeleton and not some armored cavalry to somehow match Akafuyu's gears.

Klauss then continues his lecture. Letters magically appear one after the other on the white board. "As you can see, masks can be classified into six different rarities: Common, Rare, Unique, Legendary, Jewel and Heraldic. The features of course depend on what rarity your mask falls. The higher the rarity the more complex it is, though the value the wielder receives makes up for it."

Akafuyu intervenes for a moment. "But wielding a higher rarity mask does not mean superiority to others. It all depends on the person on how he or she uses it and how much potential of the mask that person can draw out." It's as if she was speaking based on experience.

"Right, well said My Mistress. It can be said as well that a mask may adapt the potential of its owner as well. Well, going back…let's see what rarity this falls in shall we? Though I'm betting that it will be at least a Unique type."

"Hooh, betting huh. Interesting." It's as if a switch has lit Akafuyu up. She takes a final glance at Kiyoto's mask before giving her prediction. "Let's see, I'll place my bet on it being a Rare one." Unexpected, but since it's Akafuyu, she must have her reason for giving that answer.

"I think it's a Legendary rank. Kiyoto might have to keep working hard to juggle his memories in order to bring out the slumbering potential of his mask." Mylene gave her prediction like she was just screwing around.

"Err…I think-" Before Kiyoto even had a chance to give an answer himself, since he thought he was included in the bet, Klauss immediately touched the forehead of his mask with his fingertip. Silence filled the room once again while Klauss was doing the appraisal.

"Hm?" Everyone can see the surprised expression that Klauss is currently showing right now, despite being a skeleton. It's like there is an interval for every second that passes, his face will change from normal to shocked. It literally made everyone confused.

After a moment, he finally separated his fingertip from Kiyoto's mask. As if to break his silence, Akafuyu clasps her hands. "So, what did you find out Klauss?" She asks, eagerly waiting for an answer.

"There was no defined classification."

"What do you mean?" Akafuyu immediately inquired.

"I mean, the first moment I touched it, I'm already sure it was common. But then it changed like it was evolving."

"Up to what level?"

"I cannot determine. But it's still slow, it can only reach a certain level."

Everyone was surprised about what they found out, especially Kiyoto who is the one currently wearing the said mask. He can only scratch the back of his head in response as he doesn't know what to say. But something came to his mind that he wants to talk about.

"Actually, when I fought the invaders yesterday. It feels like my body is moving on its own, as if I'm being led by my instincts. Would it be the mask's doing?"

"It's a possibility, but I doubt that. If you describe it like that, then it might just be your experience guiding you. We don't know your past so we can't be sure of anything." Akafuyu crosses her arms, pondering what to do about him.

Mylene finally breaks her silence and speaks up to give her suggestion. "Hey Akafuyu, since there's this pressing matter about the so-called [Scythes], I think we need more capable members." Knowing where this will lead, Kiyoto did not intervene and just let the conversation flow on naturally.

"You're gonna give him a recommendation?" Akafuyu inquired.

"Yes. I believe Kiyoto-san would be a great temporary addition to the [Swords]. Until we find more clues about him, maybe he can spend his time with us and the other members." Mylene added.

"I've no qualms with it, though…since he can't take off his mask, he can't be walking around in public like that." Akafuyu then thought about something. "If you believe in his potential then, I'll pair him with Johan for covert patrol and operations."

"Johan, the Ace?"

Akafuyu nodded, she then rummaged through some files under her desk to check their current rosters. "Yes. With someone as experienced as him, he will have no trouble looking out for Kiyoto if ever something happens no? Also he's mainly in covert patrol so Kiyoto doesn't need to openly show himself. Two birds with one stone."

Mylene clasped her hands in delight. "Thank you Akafuyu, I knew you'd come through. Well then, what should we do next?"

"Klauss will guide you to Commander Gwyn's office. As you can see, the Commander is in charge of final recruitment so you need his approval first."

Klauss bowed towards Akafuyu as if honoring her request. He then proceeds to the door waiting for the two to follow her. Before they made their exit, Mylene followed up about something: "I'll wait for your update regarding our hang out okay? It's good to take a moment for yourself sometimes." She winks and finally trudges out of the room, followed by Kiyoto who took a final glance and made a short bow to show his respect.

As the door closes, Akafuyu sighed. It's not like she is tired or anything, in fact, she was elated to see her friend again all the while giving her assistance. It's really like what Mylene said back then about her. She glanced through the windows, overlooking the majority of the territorial city, and thought about the future.

The reports about the recent incident regarding the organization calling themselves [Scythes] already reached her. She already knew her friend would not bring that topic back then because she knows Mylene is worried that it might burden her mind more than it already is. But she can't help it.

Heralds are no doubt still humans with emotions despite being the top of the food chain. Moreover, Akafuyu is still young, having doubts and uncertainties are common to have in this age as they say. Though in her case, it's growing in an unstable manner that it might possibly affect the future of her city.

"Where did I go wrong…"

A voice suddenly speaks through her mind. "My Mistress, is everything alright?" It was Klauss. Their connection is pretty strong since they are Master and Familiar. Of course Klauss would feel the negative thoughts that are flooding his Master.

"Not quite. Let's talk when you're back."

Meanwhile, the three (Kiyoto, Mylene and Klauss) had already reached the Commander's office. To their surprise, the room is currently unoccupied.

"What bad timing. Though I'm pretty sure Commander Gwyn has no plans for today." Klauss wondered. Fortunately, a member approached them after seeing that they entered the Commander's office. Right now, Klauss is getting briefed about the Commander's whereabouts.

After getting briefed, Klauss relayed it to Mylene and Kiyoto. "There's been a report of [Swords] attacks again, but this time, they're hitting three different branches of ours far away from each other."

"And Gwyn went? Why is the Commander taking action himself?" Mylene inquired.

"Most likely, to see this [Scythes] personally. He wants to lessen Mistress Akafuyu's burden as much as possible after all." He also thought that's why Akafuyu has not received any report regarding this yet.

While in the middle of their conversation , someone radioed Mylene. It was Fudo who is currently on a patrol "Mylene-san! You're in the main Quarters right? Think you can send some more people to the Eastern branch? I've lost contact with some of our friends there and they are claiming to see some guys who are wearing higher grade masks!"

"What!?" Before Mylene even had a chance to talk more, the transmission had been cut off. It seems like one of the habits of the [Swords].

"If you're gonna send some people, can I go too?" Mylene and Klauss looked at Kiyoto who volunteered to go. His tone sounds serious.

"It's not like I don't want you to, but this is not your fight. You're not officially a member yet, Kiyoto-san." Klauss rests his hand above Mylene's shoulder and intervened. "Are you sure? You might fight stronger people there than those who attacked the hospital."

Without a moment of hesitation, he just nodded as if his mind was already made up. "Strangely enough, I don't feel scared or intimidated. On the other hand, I have this feeling that I want to help before more gets hurt." He talks as if he had this kind of mentality before he lost his memories. If it is, then he must have the heart of a fine gentleman. That's what Mylene currently has in mind.

After hearing that, no one dares to just stop him. Although Klauss has no plans to do so, he just wants to hear his reason, and he is satisfied with it.

"Alright, by my special authority, I hereby declare you a temporary member and deploy you to battle." Klauss conjured a uniform worn by the [Swords] and lent it to Kiyoto who received it with gratitude. The noticeable difference of this uniform is that it has a hood.

Without wasting much time, they were provided a private vehicle with Mylene as the driver. After all, none of the members know about Kiyoto's situation yet and they have no time to explain it at the moment. Klauss stayed to keep the order in the Quarters, he also radioed everyone from the East branch about Kiyoto's appearance to know that he is an ally once he reached the place.

Their deal is this: Once they are close, Kiyoto will step out and assist the members there while Mylene will immediately return to the Main Headquarters. Kiyoto just hopes that Mylene will honor it and doesn't make any reckless behavior.

Alas, as expected, she didn't honor it and went with him. Kiyoto didn't have time nor the power to argue with her, Mylene just promised that she will not show herself to the enemy and will just stay back to tend to the injured.

Contrary to the report, there has not been much destruction in the area. But the number of injured personnel is quite high.

The members were immediately relieved after seeing Mylene arrive in the scene, without further ado, she went and tended to the injured. Kiyoto meanwhile, wandered around, curious why there is quite a number of injured in the area despite the minor destruction.

After a long while, Kiyoto heard some footsteps nearing him. He turned to where it was coming from and saw a tall man, wearing a white robe with an insignia of the [Scythes]. His look is already intimidating, but his ominous grin makes it more so. He wears nothing under the robe so his body can be seen, his muscles are well-built as well.

"Now that's an interesting mask. Never seen one like that before. Are you one of the [Swords] bigshots?" The man sarcastically asked.


Not expecting an answer, the man opened his arms as if saying that Kiyoto is welcome to attack him anytime. "Well, let's see what you got then. I'll determine what you are myself."

Kiyoto clenched his fist. Not wasting this opportunity, he launched himself into him to land an attack. He cannot afford to drop his guard as he thinks it might just be a trap, but to his surprise, the man doesn't look like he has a plan to move at all.

With a mischievous grin, the man took Kiyoto's punch to the face which caused him to roll to the ground with a fair distance. Kiyoto held his guard up as he saw the silhouette of the man, seemingly getting himself up from the ground while massaging the part where he got punched. Even with that, his grin seems to be not going away.

"Kehehe, not bad. You're not one of the ordinary goons that the [Swords] just sends out. Come on, show me more!" The man runs towards Kiyoto in a rush!

In response, Kiyoto swings his right hand and deals another straight punch to the man's face. Not wasting the opportunity, Kiyoto kicked him in his guts which made him roll over the ground again. From an observer's point of view, it seems like Kiyoto has far better fighting ability than his opponent, but in Kiyoto's perspective, the man is just happily taking the hits. That time when he runs towards him, it feels like he is not preparing for an attack at all, instead he expected Kiyoto to retract like that.

The man stood up again. He dusted himself off and cracked his neck. All the blows he took, yet his grin never waivered. Alas, he reached for the mask that was resting beside his waist. Looks like playtime is over for him.

"I have determined that you are worthy to be beaten by another mask wielder." He puts up his mask, showing it to Kiyoto. It looks like an incomplete mask that is missing the other half of it, but somehow it feels like it's the purpose of the structure. The design is composed of black chains engraved through the whole mask.

Moreover, it seems to be...slithering.

The man finally wore his mask. Extensions of the chains in the mask are being shown on the other half of his face and it seems to be moving consistently.

"Now let's see how long you can hold out."