Chapter 12: Aftermath

Hatred is a fuel. A person filled with an enormous amount of that fuel drives them mad, losing all reason. It crosses out their rationale and acts based solely where their hatred originates from.

But there are some, who are able to use it to keep themselves sane. The hatred they bear might be a heavy load, but that's what kept them going. It's the reason why they are still struggling to survive even when the world seems to reject them.

"I feel more alive than ever."

Juzo has changed. His whole body is being engraved with the chains inscribed within the mask he is wearing. It keeps on moving as if the chains themselves are alive.

"G-Guhk! Hrng!"

Yamato struggled while he was being restricted. The feeling of searing chains squeezing his body is quite taking a toll on him. He can't release himself even with the help of his mask.

'Yamato!!' Chizue thought to herself after seeing Yamato suffering. She can't be reckless and risk herself to be found out after all. But in order to help she needs to step up her game.

'Come on my ornament!' Another thought entered her mind as she tried her best to imprint confusion onto Juzo's senses.

The loosening of chains can be felt by Yamato as Juzo seems to be struggling in some way. But it doesn't mean that he can just free himself up, the pain he is just currently being inflicted has diminished.

Sensing an opportunity as Yamato noticed that his right foot is somehow free of the chains, he charged it and slammed the ground using the power of the Zebra, causing an imbalance to Juzo's ground footing.

After seeing that, Chizue pushed herself in order to strengthen the effect of her mask, causing her nose to bleed. Her eyes seem to be twitching as well.

Yamato finally felt the chains dismantle as he can move freely again. He then creates a distance between him and Juzo by kicking him away while still using the power of the Zebra. Though with his state, it's not that powerful anymore to the point that it will greatly affect someone like Juzo.


Chizue gasped as she saw Juzo glaring in her direction, even though she was being careful in hiding her presence among the nearby shrubs. Yamato on the other hand punched the ground to pump himself up, he deeply breathed in and exhaled a huge amount of air. He then stands up as he fixes his shoulders.

'This is bad, I….can't see us winning this one' he thought to himself.

"You can't see any way to win aren't ya…?" As if he read Yamato's mind, Juzo tilted his head as he asked him. "Then, how about we do this–"


Another gust of wind swept Fudo away as she almost closed her distance between her and Heinrich.

"Hey, how are we supposed to settle this if you keep on doing that! Not fair!" Fudo ranted while waving her sticks in the air and stomping the ground like an annoyed child trying to scare off a bully.


Heinrich did not give her a reply. Instead he readied his hands and posed like a conductor of a choir. It should be obvious already that Heinrich is just buying time and not seriously fighting her. After all, if he's gonna hurt a girl, it would just be better to let others do it for him so he could be guilt free of hitting a woman, that's one of his mindset. Of course Fudo does not know what he's up to.

"Eh? Does your mask hinder your ability to speak? Well, whatever." Fudo stretched her legs, next she pulled her arms up. She then assumed a sprinting stance while gripping her cudgels tightly.

Heinrich squinted his eyes as he is identifying the difference of what she always does versus what she is assuming to do right now. Alas, he finds no such difference with it and concludes that she's going for the forced charge as always. Which she did indeed.

"Haven't had enough hm?" Heinrich waves his hands like a conductor, resulting for another gust of wind to sweep her away. Fudo took it head on, but this time she applied enough force with her left foot as it touched the ground in order to boost her launching speed as she collided with the wind. To add, she held her cudgels from different ends and assumed a spinning stance.

Feeling the direction of the wind as it collided with her, Fudo rotated in counter of the winds' tracks, ultimately scattering the gust around, dispelling it in the process.


Caught off-guard, Heinrich prepares another wave, although with Fudo's agility, she swiftly closes their distance and lands a number of consecutive attacks to her opponent. Heinrich on the other hand has no choice but to shield himself by crossing his arms to protect some parts of his body.

Both of them shouted. One is a shout of pumping adrenaline while the other is a groan."



Fudo relentlessly unleashed a series of attacks without letting up. Heinrich attempted to reciprocate as he removed one of his shielding hands to try and disrupt her. Fudo noticed this and striked the said hand with enough force which made Heinrich squeal.


He furiously waved his other hand like a mad man, which produced a small ferocious cyclone, sweeping Fudo away in an implacable manner and launched her harshly since the wind does not seem to have a direction.

"Whoooooaaaaa!!" She successfully landed on two feet, but it can be noticed that she is holding her waist like something is broken. "Here I thought you're only capable of mild gusts." Fudo commented as she coughed afterwards.

Heinrich looks exasperated while holding his seemingly broken hand. He's short in air, gasping. He then glared at Fudo. "You imbecile! I'm trying to be as refined as possible with my way of attacks…but to hell with it now! Lord Yoshu will surely forgive me as long as I win!" Heinrich waves his hands furiously in Fudo's direction like a clawing lion.

Fudo got herself up and shrugged the pain for now, she swiftly evaded the relentless gust of wind that destroyed some parts of the land upon its collision. But the gust keeps on coming as Heinrich is ceaselessly swinging his hands. Fudo, although successfully evading each one, has been dealing with the pain she is currently feeling which is continuously escalating with every maneuver she makes.

"Fall! Fall! Fa-!?"

As if all the exhaustion caught up to him, Heinrich lets out a concerning cough. He gasped for air, reaching his hand out into nothing. He then proceeds to use his hand to let some air pass through his mouth.

Seeing this opportunity, Fudo braced herself for a final attack. Nevermind the incoming pain afterwards, at this very moment, her focus is to end this battle right here, right now. With all of her muscle strength, she dashed towards the recuperating Heinrich with a High stance mainly used for a single, yet heavy hit.

"You're finished!!!"

Just when Fudo was about to reach him for a final blow. A familiar voice called her name, it was weak. It came from the direction where Yamato and Chizue are supposed to be engaging in battle with Juzo.

"…." It was Chizue, limping while carrying a heavily injured Yamato on her shoulders. What Fudo saw next was not what she was expecting. It was Juzo who was casually following the two as they struggled to walk.

'Juzo!? He looks fine? Even though Ms. Chizue and Yamato looked like they're out of the round? T-This is bad!' Fudo thought to himself as she got stopped in her tracks.

Heinrich successfully recovered from the shortness of air and notices what is currently happening. Even though he felt relieved that it looks like this battle is their win, he also felt ashamed since he looks like he lost his battle while Juzo won his. He does not mind anymore, what he wants is to have his revenge on Fudo, by which he positioned his palm onto Fudo's direction to make an attack.

To his surprise, Juzo stood in front of him.

Going a few moments back with Yamato, Chizue and Juzo's battle. The fight is looking grim for Yamato and Chizue as they are both getting exhausted already. To add, Yamato, who is supposed to be the brawler, is heavily injured and is just currently pushing himself. Juzo on the other hand is also injured, although it is something that he can endure. But then Juzo proposed something unexpected.

"Then, how about this: I beat the sh*t out of you, of course, you're free to defend yourself. But I will let all of you go."

Yamato and Chizue's eyes widened after hearing what Juzo had to say. They couldn't make something out of his deal.

Juzo continued: "But make sure to tell what happened here to my pal Kiyoto in person. Tell him I wiped the floor with you guys. When that happens, I am confidently sure that he will come! Hah! See my reasoning now? That is why I will be providing proof of it, yeah?" Juzo turns his gaze at Yamato. "Or I can go with the other one, no problem." He then switched his gaze towards the direction of Chizue.

"Hey! I'm…your opponent." Yamato called Juzo out.

"Yamato!" Chizue on the other hand showed herself and called out to her ally.

Juzo grinned as he always does. "Then, do your best!"

Jumping back to the present, Fudo carries Yamato and Chizue on her shoulders even though she herself is in pain. Regrettably, the three of them have no choice but to retreat and call off the mission as they walk away slowly. Of course, not everyone present seems to agree to the deal that has been made.

"HEY! Juzo! What do you think you're doing!? You're letting the enemy get away! This will not stand, pursue them and bring them to the manor!"

Juzo turned around to face Heinrich who was still in the middle of recovery from Fudo's constant attacks. He chuckled at his statement.

"Bhahaha! You dare to give me an order despite the one who just lost!? But I do understand you, you're feeling hatred right? Tell me how you obtained it. Someone gave you a beating and you want vengeance all of a sudden? It can't even be used as fuel!"

Juzo grabs Heinrich's head and lifts him up.

"H-Hiiiiiiiiee!" Heinrich lets out a scared groan.

"You see, weak is food for the strong. In order to weed out one's weakness, he needs to seek something to fuel the fire inside of him. In my case, that is hatred. My chains are my proof of that. Now there's a certain someone that broke it, and I'm dying to see if he can finally put my fire out!"

"Y-you're just mad!" Heinrich moved his hands but it got restricted in just a matter of seconds. "Aaaagh!"

"Hahaha! Maybe I am. Do you know why I impart absolute violence though I don't kill anyone?"

Heinrich currently cannot make a reply since he's busy groaning.

"So that I can beat them up again the next day!"

It has been a long night. But that concludes the events in Asakura. Fudo, Yamato and Chizue stopped by the nearest [Swords] branch where they received proper care. The news regarding what happened that night will soon reach Kiyoto. Where this leads, and what will be the outcome shall soon be revealed.