Chapter 13: How far would you go

A new day has come. The [Swords] are currently busy due to a preparation for an upcoming festival, namely the Hakata Dontaku Port Festival, that will be held around the city where the starting point should always be the Great Statue of Netsui.

Meanwhile at Commander Gwyn's office, Johan and Kiyoto are currently reporting the summary of their findings. Meanwhile, the Team from Asakura are still in the process of recovering.

"That concludes our report." Johan finalized the Team's findings.

Gwyn is currently reading the written summary as they talk. "Magnate Yoshu. An affiliate of the Magnolian Business Empire. If word gets out, it might spark a conflict between Lord Akafuyu and Lord Kirisame."

Gwyn sighed and mumbled to himself. "But if Lord Kirisame has his hands on this–"

He then flipped a page from the paper clip. "Give the three a week's worth of break as they recover. It will be paid as well."

Johan nodded in response. It could be seen that he doesn't feel like his usual outgoing self. Noticing this, Gwyn stared directly into his eyes and reassured him.

"Johan, you do know that every operation comes with unexpected factors outside our control. So you don't have to blame yourself. The order to split up is necessary for the purpose of efficiency as well."

Kiyoto agreed with Gwyn. He doesn't also want to see Johan this way as well.

"That's right Captain…no one did anything wrong. There's nothing to point our fingers at, if anything….it was me who might have been the cause of Juzo's actions." Kiyoto said.

Johan frowned. "You just said that there's nothing to point fingers at, yet here you are blaming yourself."

"Speaking of which, based on what Yamato's team has gathered, that man, Juzo, and his mask have somehow evolved. Have you encountered this kind of phenomenon before Johan?" Gwyn asked to confirm.

"No. Not at all, Commander. I have not heard of such a thing before."

"Neither did I. Well, it does makes sense now." Gwyn took a sip of his tea. "Breakthrough."

Kiyoto and Johan were both flabbergasted and confused at the same time. The two looked at each other, and after a few moments of silence, Johan asked Gwyn.

"Commander, what makes sense? What is this breakthrough?"

"Hmm. What I'm about to tell you should be kept confidential. It was back then, when I was a part of Akimitsu's research expedition….one of his secret discoveries is the breakthrough of masks. Specifically, he found out that some masks can also overcome their limits just like humans when they wear a mask."

Another statement that sent Kiyoto and Johan into a state of flabbergasting.

"Unfortunately, due to a more pressing matter, he left this research behind. But when the time came where we were ready to continue…he passed away."

"I'm sorry to hear that, Commander…" Kiyoto commented.

"No it's fine, that's already in the past. Moving forward, I'll need to relay this to Lord Akafuyu. You two will be on standby for now. Dismissed."

Kiyoto and Johan nodded in response. They didn't pry on further, since they wanted to visit their injured friends for now.

Meanwhile, as Gwyn is compiling all the reports, he reminisced about a certain story.

Akimitsu Ogawara, the previous holder of the Helm of Fervor making him the ninth herald. He is also Akafuyu's father.

Akimitsu is a dedicated researcher about the study of the masks and its underlying secrets. A number of his research are mainly focused on their limitations as a source of power.

–17 years ago–

The territorial city of Fukuoka is one of the top picks when it comes to journeymen to pay a visit to. It always has been, even in the future where Akafuyu is currently ruling.

The difference, however, is that Akimitsu himself is a journeyman, specifically, a researcher that is always on an expedition. He dedicated his life trying to unveil the secrets of the masks while also paying attention to the livelihood of his citizens, especially his beloved daughter who is still in her childhood.

His wife unfortunately passed away due to a disease unknown to many. Akimitsu surmised that it might have something to do with the power of a mask. Nevertheless, as the inheritor of Fervor, he can't let hatred take over him, instead he focused on his daughter as well as his research.

"Is everything on the pack ready? Tools? Sub-tools? Utility equipment? Rations?" Akimitsu checked everything as he was preparing to leave for another expedition.

Beside him was Gwyn, who was his research partner at that time. Though he doesn't really know much about his study, Gwyn is someone that can deduce theories based on given evidence, which no one can think of. It actually also helps that the two are also childhood friends.

"Everything's packed up, no need to worry. So how long is this going to take?" He asked Akimitsu regarding their expedition.

"It will only take a week. We will be visiting a fellow Herald, Shimono. I pinpointed her location, I just need some questions answered while also conducting studies along the way."

"Y-you mean…Shimono of the Frigid Mask!? The seventh Herald!? How did you manage to get her location!? Last I heard is that she went into isolation for almost a hundred years already." Gwyn can't believe what he just heard.

"That is why she became easier to find in my case. I just have to locate a place where there is an unusual cold, as well as where my Helm was reacting."

Gwyn can't help it but he just went with what his friend wanted to do. The two of them walked together along with their heavy packs. "Still, whatever questions you have, do you think it's worth it? We're traveling with just the two of us, and the path we're taking is sparse of people."

"Yes. It will definitely be worth it." Akimitsu immediately responded with a serious tone and expression. It's as if he has some heavy stuff that he has been carrying, not including his baggage.

They've crossed harsh lands, lawless towns, hostile settlements and muddy trails just to reach their destination. They also seldom stop by for some research gathering. Gwyn doesn't mind the least as long as his friend finds what he is currently searching for.

After four days, they've finally reached what seems to be an abandoned area filled with swamps. There are thick mists covering the whole area, and there's a noticeable change in the temperature.

"It reeks of….death? No, it's more like, sorrow." Gwyn commented.

Akimitsu then materializes the Helm of Fervor in his hands. It can be seen that the holes in its visor are starting to glow red as if it's reacting to something….or someone.

"I beg your pardon…Lady Shimono, I am the current Herald of Fervor, Akimitsu Ogawara. One of the successors of the Helm's original wielder, Netsui Ogawara. I know this is sudden, but I would like to have an audience with you."

Gwyn is starting to feel nervous. The thick mists moved into a single point, forming what looks like a lady in white. It was not Shimono herself, but she uses it as her medium.

"You…I can feel your desperation." The avatar of Shimono spoke, as it flew around Akimitsu and Gwyn.

"I see that you can already tell…." Akimitsu clenched his fist.

Seeing his reaction, Gwyn can't help but feel like Akimitsu is hiding something from everyone. He even made this expedition a lie.

"Whatever you think that I can do is nothing but a passing tale already. I am now but a ghost of the past. I cannot help you." The avatar confronted them with a straight answer.

"Please. Just listen to me, you're the only hope that I have." Akimitsu dematerializes the Helm and knelt down. Gwyn's eyes widened as he saw how Akimitsu is acting right now.

"Successor of Netsui…I have no more words to discuss with you. I am so–"

"My daughter is dying due to an incurable disease!"


Everyone went silent, the one who was the most shocked was Gwyn. After all, she always takes care of Akafuyu whenever he has some free time.

"A–Akafuyu is…she is sick..? Is it like the state of her mother!?"

The avatar of Shimono went speechless for a while. Akimitsu then continued to plead for her assistance.

"I have heard that out of all the Heralds, you possess the most wisdom regarding diseases and medicines. I am ready to offer something of greater value, please, just help my daughter!"

Shimono's avatar finally spoke once again, this time the tone is more serene than the last.

"Unfortunately, I am bound in this place for the rest of my life. If you are seeking to have me come to your daughter's bedside, I believe that I cannot grant your wish. But do tell me, what is this disease you're speaking of."

Akimitsu explained everything he found out regarding the disease in detail. The major symptom of it is the unexplained bleeding and bruising that comes with an occasional fatigue.

"It is indeed a disease that's never been heard of before. But there is a solution, a certain medicine that I can think of."

Akimitsu's eyes widened in response to her statement.

"What is it, Lady Shimono!?"

"But I must ask. How far would you go, in order for your daughter to live?"

A question, leading to a sacrifice.