Chapter 25: The Wolf and The Serpent

After the intense and dramatic battle between two warriors, the door was forcefully opened by a concerned member which we will name Fudo.

As Fudo and the rest of the still standing [Swords] members flooded into the room, they saw Kiyoto standing alone, with Zaiaku lying on the ground with a stream of blood in her mouth, tears on his eyes, and a smile on his lips. It was obvious that he was already gone, but he left the world satisfied.

"H-he won! He defeated that Juzo!"

The members announced in relief after witnessing the scene, although it passed too quickly after analyzing the situation.

Kiyoto's armored gauntlet was also long gone just after the final punch got through Zaiaku and broke his mask. Fudo and Chizue rushed towards Kiyoto to aid him.

"Kiyoto! You did it, you beat him! But how about you, where are you hurting the most? Let's apply treatment on it fast!"

Fudo's speaking too quickly, contrary to this, she doesn't really know what to say to comfort her ally, hence, her tongue is getting twisted.

"Well, to be honest…my whole body is literally aching."

Kiyoto weakly replied. He then turned his gaze again to the body of Zaiaku.

"Everyone…I know what kind of things he had done or how many people he had hurt. But I'm seeking your consent to find a space in your heart to forgive him…since he's only a victim that endured long hardships." Kiyoto requested as everyone lent their ears to him.

The members along with Fudo and Chizue looked at each other and nodded. It seems like they have an agreement that didn't take long to finalize.

"If you say so, Kiyoto-kun. You must have known him better than any of us here. Then if that's the case, we will be able to forgive him." Chizue patted Kiyoto's shoulders afterwards.

They also saw the remains of Zaiaku's shattered mask on the ground, which Kiyoto promised to explain to them later on.

They then wrapped up the situation, brought Zaiaku's body with them and left the area to reconvene with the others.

It's been a long day for the [Swords] even though it's just been a few hours after the break of sunlight. As has been observed, the [Swords] are already victorious due to the fall of the ranked officers of the opposing faction, the [Scythes].

But it's not over yet until the head of the organization is still on the loose. Right now, the deciding battle is about to be wrapped up as well between two great fighters.

–a few moments ago–

"The wolf and the serpent, let's see which is the better hunter."

As soon as Rivet raises her right hand, several medium-sized snakes appear, coiling around the trees that are surrounding them.

On the other hand, Gwyn positioned his hands forward as if he's wielding an invisible sword.

"Come, my Grey Wolf. Our hunt resumes."

A red blaze enveloped the space in front of Gwyn's hand. As it disperses, a Greatsword appears, resting on the ground with Gwyn holding it by the pommel. He then raises it, and points the sword towards Rivet.

"What a fearsome toy. As expected of Akimitsu's right hand man." Rivet sarcastically remarked, which Gwyn didn't even bother to listen to.

The Gray Wolf Mask. It was a mask that grants its user the ability to summon a powerful Greatsword. It has no name, but Gwyn thought of a name for it and called it Grey Hound.

The greatsword has a wide variety of wolf associated attacks that can absolutely bring down its prey. The user was also granted the hunting senses of a wolf. As for its grade, the gray wolf mask is a Legendary type.

"Prelati, thank you for bringing me here. You're dismissed, I'll be waiting for my tea in the office." Gwyn gestured for his trusted aide to leave.

Prelati then gently bowed towards him. As she stepped back, she became less visible and the more she trails off, the less she can be seen until she vanishes completely.

Rivet narrowed her eyes down. She was definitely surprised. First of all, she didn't even notice that Prelati was still there, as if she didn't exist until Gwyn mentioned her.

And second, she just heard Gwyn announce that he will be back for a tea, which is like saying that he would definitely win the battle.

"Quite the confidence there. Are you sure that you should be saying things that are purely left by chance? You'll hurt your subordinates." Again, Rivet told him a sarcastic remark.

Gwyn chuckled.

"There are really only three things that you can utter with your mouth. Toxin, lies, and hypocrisy."

The eyes of the wolf mask glows red, the sword's bladed edge also turns into the same color as Gwyn starts his onslaught.

"The wolf shall then start its hunt. Hoeru (Howl)." The sword released a pressure on a round scale with a wide area of effect, shocking everyone that was caught on it, which results for them getting stunned.

The snakes that are coiling around the trees fell one by one after experiencing the said shock, but Rivet seems like she has resisted it somehow.

"Rather a great display for your first attempt to bring me to the ground. But I'm not your average mask user." In an instant, Rivet's feet turned into a serpent's tail and slithered from one tree to another.

Sensing an attack from a certain direction, Gwyn uses his Grey Hound as a shield. Rivet attacked with her scaled hand that looked like it was mixed with some kind of toxin.


Noticing that Rivet's other hand transformed into a snake, Gwyn immediately backed off and retracted.

"Tsume (Claw)." Gwyn slashed the air, producing three sharp claw-like waves towards Rivet, which sliced her snake hand and a small portion of her tail.

Rivet then hides from the bushes as she slitters around, her tail transformed into little snakes and attempts to bite Gwyn along with the snake hand that was also cut off.

Tightening his grip from the sword's handle, Gwyn swings the greatsword with enough force that the only remains of the snakes are their blood. After hearing the closing noise of the rattling bushes, Gwyn turns to it and pulls back his sword.

'There's a presence there, but it's not hers. Most likely a snake.' Realizing it was just a distraction, Gwyn stabbed the ground with his sword.

"Kenshutsu. (Detect)"

He sensed Rivet from the opposite direction of the snake. In response, Gwyn positioned himself on a spot where he wouldn't be in the middle when the two attacked at the same time.

"Your battle sense is starting to annoy me."

Rivet's voice can be heard somewhere in the area. She may have said that, but her tone doesn't really give any expressions.

Gwyn then responded.

"Hm. That so. Did you ask me yet if I'm having fun with your hide and seek tactic."

Rivet laughed.

"Haha, I thought you could use a bit of recreation considering your boring stares. But no matter, I shall administer you with my toxin very soon."

"No thank you."

Gwyn pulls back Grey Hound and begins to charge his next attack. By then, he felt a minor quake in the ground as if something big just entered the field.

As Gwyn narrows his eyes down, a Great white serpent raises its considerable body from the ground. Its head looking down on Gwyn, atop it was Rivet who seems to have regenerated her severed hand and tail.

"Let's now go to the second phase."

The Wolf and the Serpent met with piercing gazes, in which both are sharp enough to actually cut someone.

With that, the fierce battle continues.