"Tsume (Claw)."
Gwyn's attempts of damaging the great serpent prove to be futile as his attacks are being shrugged off by it. The serpent continues its chase and looms around Gwyn, who is currently using the thick tree trunks to hover over.
The Gigantus Great White Serpent. The materialization of the mask's power, giving form of what it was truly based on. Its scales are hard enough to protect itself from piercing blades and harmful projectiles, its huge body does not hinder its movements as the serpent is as fast as the normal snakes., and finally, its toxin is potent enough to kill a Herald when bitten.
"Your feeble attempts are not enough to cause my Great Serpent some serious damage. But I admire your persistence, you seem to be still thinking of a way to defeat me." Rivet seems like she is concocting something in her hands while talking to her opponent.
As the chase went on, the Serpent finally caught up to Gwyn while he's currently mid-air. It opened its mouth, revealing its toxic fangs along with its long tongue. Gwyn squinted his eyes and pointed the greatsword towards the approaching serpent.
"I believe this will give it quite a shock. Soshaku (Bite)."
A giant wolf's head that looks like a red holographic image has been projected from the tip of the greatsword and opened its mouth, biting the head of the serpent that was in front of it.
The Great Serpent cried out of pain as its scales were penetrated by the strong biting force of the wolf, burying its razor sharp teeth into its head. Although, the wolf head shattered after a while, ultimately disappearing which indicates that it was damaged. As for the Serpent's response, it wobbles its head as a recuperation from the pain.
Rivet, leaped towards Gwyn, given the chance that he's still mid-air and the bite is still unusable. She brandished her sharp nails and attempted to claw him using it, but her hand got sliced once again as Gwyn is quick to adapt. Rivet then opened her wide mouth as it shot out a sharp dart that pierced Gwyn's shoulder.
Gwyn quickly pulled it out and kicked Rivet away, as the two landed on the ground. The great serpent then went back to normal, though the bite scar was still there.
"Fufu, how was it? Do you feel the poison flowing through your veins? It was a self-created concoction of mine using my own blood as toxin." Rivet's hand is starting to regenerate as they speak.
While Rivet was speaking, Gwyn already took out something out of his coat pocket.
"You know what they say…to be proactive is to acknowledge the threat instantly even if it's not met yet."
Gwyn drank a tonic which looks like it was brewed already right before their meeting. He threw the container aside and coughed.
"It does taste quite strong, I really need a palate cleanser back in the office."
Rivet frowned after seeing what Gwyn just did. It's as if he's underestimating the poison she concocted herself. And what's more, he seems ready despite it being their first time meeting each other.
"Looks like you have so much faith in that little tonic of yours. But I should warn you that my toxin is not just something you can counter with just a normal cure."
"As if I already didn't know. Unfortunately for you, we have someone that can make a restorative medicine that is as potent as you can make your own toxins." Gwyn is talking about Mylene and her ornament. "And hearing the name Orochi already gave me a vague idea of who I might be facing. Turns out I'm right."
Rivet's face turns sour for a moment, but then it reverts back. She then let out a sigh.
"Looks like my poor underlings have been noisy. Though, I can't really blame them if they've been forced to talk."
Torture. She's guilt-tripping the wrong person, though this statement of hers is directed to the whole organization which symbolizes peace. And so Gwyn retracted:
"Indeed. I have seen no other choice but to hold onto the best possible method I can think of. Though I'm severely lectured by my Lord afterwards, I do not regret it, since I'm taking this responsibility for me alone."
"The judge, jury and executioner?"
Rivet inquired, though uninterested.
"I'm no judge, and I might not be a part of the jury. Though I am mostly close to the executioner." Gwyn tightens his grip onto the Greatsword's handle once again.
The Great Serpent begins to move once again as it slithers around the battlefield, not just charging head on unlike before. Rivet as usual rests atop the serpent's head, waiting for an opportunity to attack by herself.
Gwyn's eyes are following the movement of the serpent, but he also senses that he's been surrounded by other snakes who are now making their way towards him.
Gwyn then closes his eyes and focuses. He then remarked:
"The wolf does not hunt alone, they always come in a pack–"
A snake tries to lunge towards Gwyn, but then it gets stomped by something; a projected wolf.
Seven wolves materialize around Gwyn, stomping and munching those that move around him. As soon as Gwyn opened his eyes, the eyes of the Gray Wolf Mask began to glow in red.
"- and I….am their Alpha."
All of the wolves started howling as if they're getting ready to hunt their prey.
The Great Serpent hisses back towards them after feeling threatened. Rivet then thought: 'My Great Serpent is getting pressured? This guy…he really is something else.' Deciding that she needs to finish this, Rivet fully turned herself into a Snake and joined bodies with the Great White Serpent.
It grew twice as big and now has two heads. Its hiss causes turbulence around the area, and due to its size, some of the members around the manor can't help but notice it.
They pointed towards the Great Serpent's direction, with fear painted on their faces. "I-Is that a giant snake!? It looks very dangerous, it must be that Orochi!"
Going back to the scene, Gwyn and his pack spread out, with Gwyn dashing towards the center with his sword pulled back.
"Tsume no Nagare (Stream of Claws)."
A stream of claw-like waves headed towards the double-headed serpent. After getting hit with the stream, the serpent got pushed back. It was not like before, it's as if the force of the attacks became more powerful and precise.
'Looks like him, becoming the Alpha wolf of a pack, makes his offensive capabilities rise.'
The double-headed serpent then slams the ground, creating a shockwave that blows anyone close away with a frightening force, which also affects a wide area.
Gwyn made use of his greatsword as a shield to block stones and harmful objects that are being thrown. Though he has been thrown away by a wild gale.
The serpent began to move, slithering towards Gwyn with its huge body, anything along its path was getting destroyed. Meanwhile, the wolves are all sprinting in different directions, though all are leading towards the serpent.
A wolf lunged on and clawed the body, but it proved to be too rigid for them, as the claw of the wolf broke. 'The wolves are no threat, I should focus on their leader.' Rivet thought.
Another wolf then attempted, but this time it made a bite that somehow represents Gwyn's attack. It projected a red holographic image of a big wolf and bits the serpent's body.
Rivet felt the bite. The double-headed serpent rolled around, smashing two wolves at the same time. The defeated wolves vanish like ashes.
'These wolves! They have the same attack with him back then! Does that mean-!?' As Rivet finalizes her thoughts, she sees Gwyn seemingly charging an attack.
The pack synchronized their howl, making it deafening for those who do not belong with them. The double-headed serpent then rushed towards Gwyn, which also blew the other wolves away due to its large movements.
As Rivet approaches his location, Grey Hound blazes in red as Gwyn is going to let out his attack.
"Let this be a symbol of the Great Wolf's power."
A silhouette of a fearsome giant wolf can be seen behind Gwyn. Its eyes seemed like it already located its prey, and its growl strikes terror upon anyone who hears it.
A voice then can be heard coming from the serpent.
"I will not falter! The Great Serpent is the true symbol of Fear! Shohi (Consume)!"
The Great Serpent opened its enormous mouth filled with the most deadly toxins. Gwyn on the other hand prepares his ultimate slash.
He will put all of his power in this single blow as he knows that this will be both of their final strike. His hands bled due to the amount of pressure he is putting on the Greatsword. As he stomped the ground, Gwyn responded to Rivet's attack.
"Tairageru (Consume | Subjugate)!"
The Great Wolf behind Gwyn lunges forward, in sync with the flow of Grey Hound's slash.
As the two attacks met, a destructive force was released on their location that drove all the trees in the forest to get blown away, making the grounds of the area like an aftermath of a war.
It was Gwyn's blood, dripping to the ground from his bloodied hands. As he raises his head, he witnesses a white snake crawling away. He then lets out a massive exhale and drops himself into the ground along with his greatsword.
"Just to be sure…"
Gwyn takes out another tonic and drinks it.
"...needs a palate cleanser."
The [Swords] officially won the battle.