Damage Done

"As much as I appreciate it, Your Highness, that's treason," Eugene said pointedly.

"I'm the queen!" Daphne said with more confidence than she actually felt. 

Technically, as Atticus had oh so kindly reminded her, she was a prisoner with a beautiful crown on her head. It was ironic that a caged bird like her was attempting to free Eugene from the dungeons, but if she didn't do it, who else would? Certainly not Atticus, that was for sure.

Eugene got hurt for her sake. Daphne remembered him wanting to escort her back to the castle when he found out his wallet was missing, but she was stubborn and insisted on catching the pickpocket.

And look at them now. One lying in a pool of his own blood in the dungeon, the other with weakened muscles, broken bones, and a shattered heart.