A Lesson in Kindness

Daphne began to laugh, but it was nothing like the warm tinkling laughter that everyone was used to. Instead, it bordered on hysterical, with her nearly wheezing breathlessly. It was as though she was possessed. Daphne would take one look at Atticus and then break down into deranged laughter once more whenever it seemed as though she was about to calm down. 

The hairs at the back of Atticus's neck stood up.

"Your Highness. My apologies that your loyal knight managed to catch me before I fell on the floor. Once again, you have missed the chance to get rid of me,"  Daphne said, wiping a tear that formed from the corner of her eye. 

This man had the nerve to break her heart and now accuse her of infidelity? The audacity of this man was absurd. Daphne could only laugh, because the alternative was to scream and tear her ― or his ― hair out.