Who Deserves Forgiveness

"Then… how did King Atticus get a hold of something so valuable? Sister Daphne, shouldn't this be with Father and Mother to begin with? King Atticus is not even from Reaweth!" Drusilla protested, sensing another weakness she could poke at. 

She gasped, as though she thought of something scandalous.

"Did he steal it from the Royal Treasury? What do you think, Princess Cordelia?"

"How would I know? I just arrived here." Cordelia frowned at Drusilla, flinging Daphne's hand away from her hold as though Daphne's ignorance was contagious.

She let out a proud sniff and sat back down, yet she still managed to make it seem like she was looking down on Drusilla. Daphne was irritated, yet mildly impressed at the sheer authority Cordelia exuded.

"You should ask your own parents to take better care of their belongings," Cordelia continued. "Oh wait, technically your sister is the one who should be asking since the Queen isn't your real mother."