Karma Served I

Atticus was the first to notice Princess Drusilla waving at him and Prince Nathaniel from a good distance away. She was like a crazed lunatic, swinging her arm back and forth as if afraid that if she made any smaller action they might completely miss the sight of her. In perfect synchrony, both he and Prince Nathaniel frowned.

"Is she…" Prince Nathaniel paused with hesitance, wincing as he looked at Drusilla. She even jumped a little when she noticed their lines of sight landing on her. "Is she alright?"

"As far as I know, she seems to never be alright," Atticus calmly replied. "Next time, you should vet your guestlist more thoroughly."

The two men shared a profound look, a wave of understanding passing through. If there was anything the two of them could agree on, it was that Princess Drusilla was not at all the perfect little princess of Reaweth and most definitely not the best princess of Reaweth.