Lake of Heavenly Glade III

Daphne shrieked in panic as she fell into the cold embrace of the lake's depths. Even though the water hadn't looked like it had much depth from up above, when plunged under the surface, it seemed like it was bottomless. Her heart raced wildly against the constricting grip of her corseted dress, the heavy fabric quickly becoming a waterlogged weight that threatened to drag her down. 

Her limbs were not trained to swim even in suitable attire, and horror began to overwhelm Daphne. Her vision blurred as she tried to propel her body to the surface, but her sodden dress pulled at her limbs, causing her to sink deeper into the depths. 

A sudden movement in the water caused Daphne to spin around, her heart's thunderous beating roaring in her ears. 

Was there a beast? Her eyes found nothing, but the sight of the endless sea of darkness beneath her feet did not reassure her in the slightest.
