Spring Parade IV

Suddenly, it seemed like the rain was gone, for Daphne no longer heard the harsh sounds of raindrops pelting against the cobbled pavements. But when she focused her eyes, she realized she was drastically mistaken.

The rain wasn't gone. It had simply stopped falling. 

Daphne's eyes widened in pure amazement, her mouth parted in a silent gasp of astonishment. Every fiber of her being was captivated by the spectacle unfolding right in front of her. The raindrops that had been relentlessly pelting the ground had frozen in mid-flight, as though they were suspended in time. 

She had only ever seen rain fall straight down from the heavens to the earth. Never had she ever seen them stop mid-air, right in front of her eyes, hanging like droplets of diamonds on a crystal chandelier.

"What is going on…" she murmured under her breath in awe and disbelief. Perhaps the stress of the afternoon had finally caught up to her, causing her to hallucinate.