Sullied Reputation I

Daphne could only laugh helplessly. If Nereus was actually a man, things would be a lot easier to explain. If they got wind of Nereus's true identity, the streets would be rife with a second round of panic and hysteria. 

Meanwhile, the crowd of people could only watch their Queen laugh uproariously while wearing the coat of another man. Was she out of her mind? Did she think so lowly of King Atticus that she would willingly cuck him in public?

Oh, this was too outrageous! 

"Queen Daphne, I fail to see the humor in this situation. Would you care to enlighten the rest of us?" Francessa asked, frost lacing her tone as she glared daggers at Daphne. Before Daphne could think of a reply that didn't reveal Nereus's true identity as a kelpie, her view was obstructed by a broad back.