Dirty Confessions I

"I trust you'll have no objections?" Atticus asked, turning to Francessa with a raised eyebrow. Francessa smiled, every inch the dignified lady people knew her to be.

"I have none. I am only thankful that Your Highness is magnanimous enough to not pursue the matter further," Francessa said. "Veronica speaks bluntly, but she can be taught to change her ways."

"If only that would be the same for others," Atticus sighed. "My job as king would be a lot easier." 

If Francessa could change, she would have been an asset to his kingdom. But since she was too ambitious and conniving, too intent on benefiting herself at the cost of others, she had to be dealt with. 

"I agree,"  Francessa said with a gentle nod of her head. "For what it's worth, King Atticus, I believe I speak for our citizens when I say you're doing a marvelous job."