Deal with the Devil III

"Have a seat," King Cyrus said, gesturing to the plush and luxurious couches and armchairs littered around his office. He chose a seat away from his desk, relaxing in the lounge area instead as if to emphasize that it was a casual affair.

Atticus and Daphne followed his lead, choosing to sit opposite the king of Reaweth. It didn't take long before they got into business.

"I can't say that my sons and daughters acted out of the ordinary when they realized Daphne could do magic," King Cyrus said gravely as his upper lip curled in distaste. He had long written Daphne off as a lost cause, and he hated being proved wrong. "When did this miracle happen?" 

He looked at his oldest daughter as though he was actually seeing her for the first time, scrutinizing the changes in her demeanor. The Daphne of before would have ducked her head and cowered at his stare, but now his daughter returned his gaze evenly without any fear.