Identity Confusion I

Alistair hadn't missed the underlying jab of Eugene's words, like salt on a fresh wound. He snarled, and his left hand shot out sending the nearby chair up into flames within a split second. 

Eugene sighed at the display of temper, tutting in disapproval. Ash and smoke quickly filled the room, but he made no move to placate Alistair. Instead, he simply waved a hand over in the chair's general direction.

Instantly, the temperature of the room plunged significantly. Alistair felt goosebumps rise on his arm as he subconsciously shivered. The fire was quickly smothered by the ice, and Alistair could only watch, reluctantly impressed as a thin layer of frost crept up the walls and on the charred remains of the furniture.

What a showoff. A huff escaped Alistair's lips. It was true, then. This madman actually did it. He could give someone magic.

"Silas mentioned that you can fix this," Alistair said.