Searching For A Woman

Sirona's palm crisply collided with Prince Nathaniel's cheek. It was something that she had badly ached to do ever since his healers had her kept in the infirmary against her will back in Raxuvia.

The prince awoke from the impact, greatly startled by the sudden slap. He groaned, adjusting his posture in his seat only to realize that his movements had been greatly hindered by creeping vines that wrapped around him like a constricting boa.

Furthermore, there was no seat. Unless he counted the cold, wet floor of some random back alley, well hidden away from the view of passersby. There was barely even any light; the sun had set and there were no lamps in the area that illuminated the path. All that shone was the silver moon in the sky, though it was barely even enough.

"What… happened…"

"Rise and shine, Your Highness," Sirona sang. She smirked, looking proudly at her handy achievement.