Beware Drusilla I

Daphne took the offered drink to be polite but made no move to take even the smallest sip. She had grown wary of strange men handing her drinks after the mess with Jean Nott. Admittedly, Jean Nott did not poison her and it was her husband who tried to fake illness, but there was wisdom in avoiding drinks from strangers. 

Duke Lanperouge's smile flickered at her actions, and he offered her the other glass. 

"If it pleases Your Highness, you can have the other one. I can even drain the glass in front of you to prove it's not poisoned."

"Why do you assume I think it's poisoned?" Daphne asked, slightly amused. "I could simply be holding onto the drink for later." 

Duke Lanperouge laughed sheepishly, attracting the eyes of more than one interested woman. Daphne could admit that he was a handsome man, but he could not hold a candle to Atticus. He downed the glass in his hand in one easy gulp and waved the server for another one.