Moonstone's Judgement II

"No…" Drusilla was on the verge of tears, her eyes filled with a whirlwind of emotions. 

A deep flush of shame tinged her cheeks, and her lips trembled as if struggling to find words to explain. Her gaze was heavy and her shoulders were slumped, shaking with every long breath she took in. Yet, even as the seconds ticked by, she couldn't find a single word to help refute her own case.

Everything was sealed in stone and there was nothing else she could do about it.

"Perhaps it is indeed time for Drusilla to wed," Queen Anette said from one side, looking at her husband. She searched his face for a sign — any sign — of how accepting he was of her suggestion. 

Yet, he remained stoic as ever.

She carefully continued, watching King Cyrus and studying his expressions, prepared to stop short the moment she noticed a shift.