Strange Wife I

Atticus hated Reaweth.

Not to be mistaken, the kingdom itself was a beautiful place. Lush greenery, wonderful weather, and even the people that were born here looked ridiculously beautiful― for example, his wife. It was also a land of rich history, the place where magic was born.

To Atticus, Reaweth was a home that could've been his. Yet, he was never fortunate enough to have been born here. Perhaps, in an alternate timeline, in an alternate universe, he would be the king of Reaweth instead of building Vramid up from the ground. Nonetheless, after the years spent in the icy mountains, he knew that Vramid was his true home.

As much as Atticus enjoyed the actual land, he did not quite like the people of Reaweth, the heart and soul that made up the kingdom. Reaweth had been sullied by the current Molinero royal family, in his opinion.