The Hideout II

Atticus took a step forward, allowing Jonah a clearer view of the item the former was holding onto. It looked like… hair.

"Wait… What's that―"

"Heads up," Atticus said with cheerful vindictiveness as he flung the head in Jonah's direction. 

Jonah caught it instinctively and then let out a piercing shriek as he met eyes with the dead woman and realized what he caught. Bright blue eyes, a head — and only a head — of blonde hair, and a rather bloodied neck that ended abruptly.

Jonah said a silent prayer in his heart. Goodness. This was the missing head! His men had looked all over earlier, but they failed to find it on the grounds. Turns out, it was stuck in the tunnels all this while. 

"Atticus, you piece of shit!" Jonah cursed, holding the head at arm's length. "Argh… That is disgusting… At least that answers my question of where the head went."

"What are all these bottles?" Atticus asked, ignoring Jonah's plaintive whines from a corner.