Monster On The Loose II

Jonah held out three empty glass bottles in his clothed hands. 

He had bent down to check underneath the bed for any extra clues, only to find these empty vials made of a similar material to the previous smaller ones hiding underneath the bed. There was a lot more residue in them compared to the rest― this was a recent dose. 

"That's a lot of fluid," Nathaniel said, covering his mouth with a handkerchief. 

He had nearly fainted from the gory sight of Hazelle's ruined body, and it was only sheer spite that kept him on his feet. He refused to faint in front of King Atticus; that annoying man would never let him live it down! 

The prince struggled to keep a gag down. He said, his voice nasally and forced, "Based on the previous doses, this should have been enough to last him for over a month."