One Trustworthy Person

"I see, and what arrangements are these?" Daphne asked, tilting her head curiously. "I didn't even know about this matter until recently, and I see that both of you had just ascertained the cause of death. You've certainly moved fast! I'm impressed."

Daphne's voice didn't sound impressed; contrary to her words. Jonah's throat bobbed as he swallowed, surprised that Daphne was still willing to press the point. He felt like he was suddenly thrown into a minefield with no warning, and one wrong word from him might send him flying. 

"We're burning them tomorrow in the early hours of the morning," Jonah said, willing himself not to fidget."We still have the funeral pyre left over from Wethstadt."

"So you're burning them in Wethstadt?" Daphne asked.

"Yes, so it might be troublesome for you to travel so early in the morning," Jonah said, eagerly latching onto the bait Daphne had thrown out for him.