The Sands of Xahan I

Daphne could only laugh incredulously at the turn her life took. Once again, she was on a carriage bound for a foreign country for the good of her family. This time, her husband was beside her, thumbing at a novel. She was knitting. Beside her was Nereus, who looked incredibly vexed at the weather, glaring sullenly at her husband as though he was responsible for his current predicament.

Then again, Atticus definitely was the cause of Nereus's problems. His sole remaining eye was a testament to that. 

"Nereus, are you alright?" Daphne asked worriedly, not liking the waxy sheen on his face. Nereus nodded glumly.

"It's just hot," he grumbled. "I'll be fine."

"It'll only get worse from here," Atticus said, sounding remarkably cheerful. "I told you, you should have turned back when you had the chance. You're not like that stupid bird, Xahan's climate is ill-suited for you."