The Mines I

He had vanished in mere seconds, and he could return just as quickly. It seemed like he was everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Daphne shivered, and it wasn't because of the cool breeze from the open window. 

Zephyr's head popped out mere moments later. "Daphne! Are you alright? I just saw something fall from your window! Did you fling your pillow overboard?"

"Zephyr." Daphne sucked in a breath and tried to calm herself down. It was a good thing Zephyr had not come into the room when Jean Nott was present. Zephyr was strong, but she didn't want him to get hurt. 

If he fought Jean, there was no doubt he would be. 

"I didn't throw my pillow," Daphne said, "But did you take a closer look at what fell? Did you hear anything happen in my room?"

"No," Zephyr shook his head in confusion, "I was flying around and I thought about paying you a visit since you're… pregnant," Zephyr whispered the last word like it was a big cursed secret.