When the Dust Settles II

Instantly, Queen Lavinia and Cordelia exchanged glances, their gazes falling heavily on the separated body of Jean Nott before looking back at each other. Queen Lavinia's face was especially pale― she had seen her fair share of unfortunate medical cases but such a gory display was still a rare sight. On the other hand, Cordelia's eyebrows were hard-set, her lips tilted downward into a frown as she shook her head gently.

"I'll get the kids to bed," Cordelia offered, shooting Atticus a nasty look before turning to her aunt and uncle. "This isn't a sight they need to see."

King Calarian and Queen Lavinia nodded in appreciation, and with that, Cordelia took Bianca into her arms and headed straight for the door. The twin boys trailed along after her, and Queen Lavinia made sure to position herself right in their line of sight so that if they were curious enough to turn back, they wouldn't see anything too graphic.

Nesrin, on the other hand, stood rooted to the spot.