A Crazy Idea II

"Cordelia, please think twice," Daphne said immediately. "I wasn't thinking when I said this― You can't be serious… This will completely ruin your reputation!" Daphne said, all her words stumbling together in her haste to stop Cordelia from making a terrible decision. Her own mind was in a jumbled whirl. 

But Cordelia held up a finger to her lips, causing her to stop talking.

"Exactly, Daphne; you've listed out all the reasons why I must proceed with this idea," Cordelia said fervently. "I will be so unmarriable, all the nuns and the orphans will weep for me. Mothers will caution their daughters to not be like me. I will be a pariah in polite society."

"And you want this? Are you insane?" Daphne nearly tugged her own hair out in frustration.