Regaining What's Lost III

Initially, Daphne had thought that even though this portion of the palace had collapsed, since there was barely anyone around these parts, there should be little to no injury. Atticus was fully capable of taking care of himself, and right when the blast of water shot out from Nereus's body, Daphne had witnessed Sirona ducking under the table for safety.

However, she quickly realized that there was something amiss.

"Daphne, you're bleeding!" Zephyr's voice rang in her ears, echoing and reverberating as though someone had placed a pot over her head and then hit it with full force. 

She didn't need someone to tell her that― she could smell the blood that was missing previously in this enclosed space. The dull, familiar coppery scent quickly filled the air, though it smelled as though it was right under her nose.