The Other Contestants

Atticus nodded. "It's not as though we have anything better to do," he said with a shrug, and they got a servant to lead them to the west wing. 

As they walked closer, Daphne heard the sound of panicked yelling ahead. The thunderous footsteps of the guards echoed through the hallways. 

"What's the commotion?" 

"Protect Princess Cordelia!" The guards bellowed. "There's an assassin in the castle!" 

Daphne nearly stumbled in surprise. An assassin? In broad daylight?

"Sounds like trouble," Atticus said, his voice delighted beyond belief. He eagerly lengthened his strides, and Daphne did her best to keep up. Her husband must have been hoping for some excitement to happen.

In the past, Atticus would have demanded Daphne to stay behind for her own safety. However, now that Daphne was one of the only two people in the world blessed with magic, he was utterly confident in letting her join in the festivities.