Shattering Realization

"Send out the arrest warrant for the Argyle household. I'll have all of them detained," Cordelia ordered. "I highly doubt that none of them knew nothing about the schemes of their heir." 

"Yes, Princess Cordelia." Jonah bowed politely. Meanwhile, Lord Waylen was practically foaming at the mouth at the thought of his entire family joining him in the dungeons. 

"No… no you can't… they don't know anything! It was all me! The bribery, the stealing! All of it!"

"Thank you for your prompt confession," Cordelia said dryly. "But in the spirit of fairness, I have to question your family as well. Guards, take him away." 

"Yes, Princess!" They hauled him away, and Lord Waylen seemed more like a puppet with his strings cut, for his body hung limply as they dragged him across the floor like he was nothing more than a bag of potatoes.