Flight and another Perspective.

My current training regimen was over for now, the goals aimed for have been achieved for now. I hadn't really gotten stronger power-level wise, but knowledge is power and my new ability I henceforth dub 'Spirit Barrier' will come in handy. Just by using it, I will be able to train my ability to use and manipulate Ki. The real reason creating such A technique came twofold though. One, to allow me to survive in areas where no normal being could survive without air. And two, the constant use would improve my Ki-control which hopefully would increase my reserves steadily. The ocean was A good use of my time, even better the further I went down and using my 'Spirit Barrier' would allow me to use it for what I really created it for, that being getting to the bottom of the ocean. Just like in our world, the deeper one would traverse in the watery depths, the more pressure would be applied to them. It was why people didn't travel all the way to the bottom of the sea, instead using equipment to study its depths. I however would use the increasing pressure of the oceans of remnant and indeed any planet I could get too, in order to train.

'Spirit Barrier' would allow me to survive in these conditions and once I can use as if it was just another part of me, I could train in these places Indefinitely. In A way, this would allow me to train as if I had access to my own gravity chamber, I could already see the gains to begotten from such an idea. 'Spirit Barrier' was practically see-through, meaning unless you looked carefully which you'd see A slight glimmer-hue of purple surrounding me, I'd be wrongly assumed I had an Aura unlocked which should give me an advantage in blending in with the locals, and not to be found out as being an alien. Don't need to worry about the alien-part though as James Ironwood and Ozpin have already stated they knew I had A destructive 'semblance.

At this time, in the morning in my camp, I was already in the process in packing up my stuff using the two police duffel-bags and making sure I have got everything.

I had only one more day before the month was up, So I was going A little earlier back to Vale, an habit from before I was reincarnated as I always had shown up for work on time when I could help it. With that done and having eaten twenty or so minutes before, resolved in my decision, I took off from there. Vale-bound, I leisurely took my time and just flew, not using my Ki to enhance my speed.

(Weiss Schnee-POV)

That Faunus was coming tomorrow, sure he would be meeting with my sister who, having asked her superior was currently accompanying me inside Vale temporarily, but still… I still remember our first meeting. I now know his name, Kron, no last name, A savage brute that my father has tried to instill in me that was Faunus were since I was named heir of the SDC but then I left, like Winter had done. I think meeting him again will be weird, to say the least, not just because he was A bastard who had the chance to have me killed, along-side them terrorists, he was rash A pervert who's black-colored eyes showed no emotion after he reappeared, after he killed the other Faunus and lorded his strength over me and had me dangling like A puppet on A string. I had training in use with my rapier 'Myrtenaster' and Winter even assisted n training with my semblance. I should have used my glyph's at least when I was cornered by him, then by the White Fang but I had frozen up, ironic. A huntress was my path, what I would achieve with no more help, but my own hands… and I'm stuck here awaiting the initiation, waiting for him…

Laid awake, I couldn't help but think of tomorrow, that brute who manhandled me, had me by the hair, held me close. This Faunus was different, A killer but he looked younger than me. It didn't really surprise me, Winter Had told me there were more stronger people then her, also younger too and even during her military boot-camp days there she'd told me about some of her fellow pupils, pupils who pushed her towards what she was today.

"Urrrgh, just my luck. Father… how I hate you" Weiss had whispered to herself, discomfort showing on her pale face. Showing weakness to anyone else but Winter was something she won't deal with now, but now there was another she'd shown that to, the monkey Faunus with the stupid haircut. Reaching for her scroll, her new one which she had transferred her old data too as Kron had apparently stolen her old one.

"Bastard felt me up too..." the tinge of blush went unnoticed in the darkness of her room. sleep was hard to come by this month, even more restless when her father up and hired the rapscallion who had laid his dirty hands on her. So, it was good then when her sister had stepped in, ever defending her from the bastard known as their father when he'd up and hired the enemy.

"Enemy huh? Oh, wouldn't I give anything to just get this damned initiation started already, I have no need for A bodyguard. A Faunus, assassin, murderer-" she stopped herself from speaking on, the words becoming more strained as they'd been said, louder on each one too which might alert her current guards of her distress.

The Time was 6:43.am, the morning couldn't come sooner, Kron… he would let Winter or Father know he was in Vale, she'd knew that much, and she felt happy when she thought of her sister. Winter also didn't like that their father had put his foot down over her protection. Even called both of them rebellious, that she should be grateful that he was so magnanimous with her safety. As so he should, I'm his daughter, not his puppet-

"Honestly… I can't sleep now, might as well go and greet Winter and get Father and … The Faunus brute out of my head" the aforementioned older sister should currently be down the hallway, in her room she designated as A base of operations. General Ironwood had left her A full complement of AK-130 war-droids and soldiers, the motel currently was converted into an Atlas-controlled garrison. It was costly though and the Vale council was upset obviously with A foreign army occupying territory, even if they were now allies since the great war. They had relented obviously and for now remained on guard for any White Fang movement in Vale.

Walking down the hallway, ignoring the Ak-130 bots at the door, Weiss made her way towards the stairwell. Opposite it, was A room which was designated as 'command' by the word written on A A3-size piece of paper which covered the plaque numbered '204' for the room. Knocking loudly, Weiss waited patiently when Winter had opened the door.

"Sister, is everything alright? You're up early. Come in, come in" Winter ushered Weiss inside before closing the door. There was no other in the room at the moment, the room itself was A room like hers except this room had an Atlas-computer station set up.

"I was just checking in with my troops stationed in downtown Vale. " Winter had explained when Weiss had stopped to look at the monitor.

"There is Fang activity near an industrial port and more in the more downtrodden areas of downtown. But enough of that, I see your eager… well eager as you can be in meeting that Kron fellow." Winter had smiled warmly at Weiss, but she could the strain Winter tried to hide when mentioning Kron.

"Father shouldn't have hired him he-

"We can't change his mind on this. I know, I had tried but you know how he is. I had asked the reason behind hiring Kron and do you know what he said?" Winter rhetorically said before continuing.

"he said he was hitting two birds with one stone, by hiring A Faunus he would look good amongst the PR campaign of the company and Atlas in general and

Two well" she huffed, taking A step towards the bed before sitting down, Weiss sat with her then on the bed.

"As you know, the room you were to stay in until your Beacon initiation was to begin was owned by the company. Indeed, the whole building was brought out years ago which was why I had recommended the place to you, and I know you didn't want nothing to with our father.

"What you wouldn't know was that the CDC had surveillance in the entire building, even the suites and rooms. The rooms had only security cameras in the main-entrance halls of each room which allowed our father to view the massacre that had taken place there." Weiss had felt ill when Winter had mentioned about cameras inside the rooms, it was a breach of privacy. Weiss had to ask then.

"So, h-he saw everything even in the bedroom?" Weiss was both embarrassed about how before Kron had woken, she had kind of… well he was sprawled out naked… and she was mad help hadn't come from her father or the ones who were in charge of security. She had lost her another person to the White Fang and maybe it could have been avoided.

"No, only the main hall. General Ironwood was shown the video-clip when Father brought it to his attention. In fact, it was not like father, he usually keeps things like that close wraps. The general then brought the headmaster of Beacon into the mix." Winter smirked when she continued,

"That idiot Kron had stolen your scroll but didn't realize your scroll was easily located because your safety is important, so we found him easily enough. The fool was easy enough to coerce onto the ship and that was that. Besides what I stated before, Father has kept A tight lid on reasons for hiring him, but I admit he is strong, stronger than your regular bodyguards or handlers father has hired over the years" Winter had sighed then from talking too much or work, who knows. Weiss thought quickly about what was said then, her sister had reached an arm around her and squeezed before returning to her position at the table to monitor her troops.

"For now, dear little sister, I need to keep in touch with my men, I'm expecting either A runner or encrypted message anytime now. I'll talk with you later, either at lunch or when that fool arrives. Either or. " Turning her focusing onto the screen, Winter had ended the admittedly one-sided conversation leaving Weiss more in thought.

"Fine, I'll see you soon. I've got to go have a shower anyway" flicking her hair whilst heading towards the door, Weiss had heard A soft chuckle from Winter. Weiss softly 'hmphed' before leaving back to her room.

After long, shower done and dressed, Weiss had head downstairs. Unlike the rest of the building, there was A huge congregation of soldiers in here, off duty troops looks-like with only A few on guard-duty. Ignoring them, she made her way to the bar and ordered A small breakfast, just her usual which she has had since Weiss was here. It was going to be an interesting day, all things considered.

"Hmm, well at least today won't be boring, unlike this week had been going" Sighing, she sat at the table finishing up her breakfast, before leaving towards outside.

The footsteps had come into tune with hers, Winter had some guys trailing her for now, it was a waste of resources she'd tried to tell her big sister, but of course Winter had done it anyway, she was high up rank-wise in the Atlas command, so she'd had the power to authorize it, even if she was really just a huntress really.

"Wednesday today, aargh! Come on Beacon! I want to go already-" stopping her frustration from further embarrassing herself as she realized she had witnesses, passerby's and her guards, the hunters from atlas in disguise.

Yep, it was going to be another boring day.