This Job of Mine.


I Had flown in a leisurely pace conserving Ki for my new technique which was constantly draining. Higher above the cloud-line I flew as to not be seen and saw only A few of the bigger nevermore on the prowl up here or indicated by the scouter further out. I wasn't sure about the Grimm species, seeing as I haven't watched the show past Pyrrha being killed and besides that giant dragon Grimm, what was it called? Besides that, dragon Grimm, there wasn't much variety of the flying-type of Grimm and fights became boring against them after a while.

"I might have to scour the planet sometime later on, there's a lot of this world I'm not aware of. But first, I got a hot date." chuckling softly while figuring out where I was, I descended out of the clouds to get another look at the sight below, trying to spot the city of Vale and its sky-line buildings.

"My scouter had briefly fluctuated in-static like noises while I went higher into the stratosphere, wonder what's going on with it. I'm really tempted to just start bombing these Grimm from up here, might make this dull flight A little more enjoyable." folding my arms while in thought, I continued to fly south-east on the lookout. Swirling through the air, I turned towards the horizon. The land was vast really, untouched by man, unlike our earth or even the desolate wasteland that is planet Vegeta.

The time according to my scroll was 11:42.a.m, so nearly lunchtime. Still, I hadn't thought to ask where I was to be meeting Winter, much less know the layout of the city. Hopefully I could locate A place that was known in the show and go from there.

Thirty minutes had passed when I spotted the forever falls, its autumn-like trees were easily spotted and so I sped-up further to get to the city that was close-by. Seeing the city now and its walls, I opted to once again fly into the clouds to avoid the defense-systems in place on the walls, as they would fire on an unknown object heading towards the city, but there weren't any more clouds as the day got sunnier so therefore, I just went and landed near the forest and went on foot to the entrance instead.

The building I approached was connected to the walls of the city, it was a massive complex of defenses and bunkers with mini-gun Anti-air guns on the walls and now that I could see better, there were turrets lined against the wall itself, I guess for the ground-based Grimm.

"It's like entering fort Knox, and now that I see it, this might be just the northern entrance. Formidable for these people, I'm impressed really. Shame that Beacon academy was too remote and far away from such defenses… not that it matters this time." stopping briefly to admire Vales defenses, I went forward, closer to the structure in A slow pace in order to be seen. It didn't take that long. Two figures, dressed in the same uniform approached me with almost cautious regard for my person. Their uniform is reminiscent of a police uniform mixed with military fatigues which were blue, and they wore identical helmets and wielded the same-brand automatic or semi-auto weapon.

"Hello there. I've just come from the north, the names Kron. I-"

"Halt, right there while we phone headquarters" the man on the left said, a gruff-sounding voice said in A tone of authority, he then called up his command-Centre.

"Sir, we have a Faunus coming in from the northern entrance… yes sir. Yes, Facial identification is positive… OK citizen, you to pass through and head on towards our headquarters where you will wait until Atlas's special arrives." The two then made way for my approach and had fallen in behind me until the gate-entrance. The gate was basically A slab of reinforced steel from what I could see, A real typical military defensive barricade which connected to the wall. The Wall itself was tall from where I stood and clearly it had weakness in the wall in the form of open bunker-like gaps, where I assume soldiers would gather and fire upon Grimm. They were weaknesses from what I could see however… not that I'm saying that I'm an expert but especially from physical-damaging Grimm would target these weak-points, but you'd could see if you squint enough that there were automatic-rotating turrets in these gaps as-well.

"This way citizen, go on through and you'll be escorted by another group of soldiers. Don't make any sudden movement's or you'll be gunned down" the one guy who had been talking had said before returning to their posts. The sudden sound of gears grinding, and steel being moved filled my ears, the sight of the gate being opened alerted my senses to another group of people approaching the entrance from the other side. I waited for a bit while the gate opened, gazing around and just generally watching the flashing light above the door blinking. When the gap in the door was wide enough, I didn't waste any more time when I passed through, my senses were sharp it seemed as those I had sensed were there to greet me. I wondered what would happen if I mediated in the city? Could be something to do later but right now I was being watched by more guards or soldiers. They assembled in a coordinated and quick pace, two went behind me while another had gestured with their weapons to follow. The last few people had gone out the way I had entered, so only three were to escort me it seemed. A larger escort of them Ak-130 had followed the last two outside.

"Follow us to your destination, we are headed to where specialist Schnee will meet and take you from there. Keep up and watch your step." it was no nonsense and professional the way he spoke, the voice sounded older and weathered. I nodded and began walking after the man who spoke, who had already begun to move at a brisk pace for an old man. There were a lot of crates organized and trucks on the move with trailers, ammunition scrawled along said crates and people with different uniforms, the soldiers, those dressed like workers with hardhats were unloading and reloading different lines or belts that feed into the wall, which in turn were connected to the turrets.

Watching the workers running around had reminded me of what I'd had lost in coming to this world, that of a normal life in do janitorial work in an automotive shop. Keeping in step with the soldiers, I'd could also see that the VTOLS that were taking off or landing were actually different variants of the military version, with these ones lacking the human-transport aspect and instead had hooks and connections to big freight containers. There was also from what I could see, A train-yard that must connect to the city and go through forever Fall which was also busy.

The men led the way towards A bigger complex, closer to the city. A massive bunker entrance, the road leading into it slanted down which was where the soldiers were heading.

I heard that sounds of wheels being skidded across the concrete, turning I could see a limousine coming into view, the vehicle was escorted by military vehicles with Vale's insignia on the sides, that being the two lime-colored axes crossed over each other. While the limo came closer, you couldn't see inside the vehicle, but my scouter had turned on then, telling me A familiar power-level was inside.

The limo came to A stop, the driver quickly getting out and opening the right-side back door, and out stepped Winter Schnee, she wore her usual uniform, even her weapon was with her, her eyes piercing me, looking me up and down before dismissing me.

"I'll take Kron from here, men" she saluted the older Vale soldier, who must be the squad leader before opening the door to the limousine wider.

"Get in" she wanted me to hurry it seemed, nodding, I headed to where she stepped out before reclining inside, buckling up instinctively, an imprint from my old life shining through before I chuckled. Winter had moved inside the vehicle, her cleavage while covered, had gotten my full attention before I realized I was staring. She didn't take notice, taking a seat over to the other side which also had seats, facing me.

"Seeing as we don't have time to lose, I need just A few more details from you, namely your bank account. We have your other information. just checking it's right, so your Name's Kron, place of birth is Vacao yes…, your age… is twenty-one, yes?" nodding to her for each question. Sure, I had lied about my age, physically, my body was only sixteen years old, but I could pose easily in the twenties or higher thanks to the definition of my muscles and don't get me started about my real age which was ten years off what I'd told Winter. She hummed, not really caring about what I was thinking, instead concentrating on her clipboard, while going through the folder she had grabbed from next to her on the seat.

"So, you don't have A bank account… though you suppose we wouldn't check up on your information you'd handed to us. But thanks to the CCTS, it wasn't hard. According to what we found, you don't-

"Like I said, I was born in Vacao, meaning the kingdom. In A now non-existent village which name wasn't important. Living outside a kingdom isn't uncommon, no?" my hands were sweating, but I managed to keep her gaze, which scrutinized me before nodding, coincidingly.

"And your semblance, what do you call it and how is it best utilized, in your own words please" Winter's question had thrown me off guard momentarily, it's a good thing I'm A good liar or my bullshit I've spouted so far would have gotten me found out by now. She's either fishing for weakness or I gotten it wrong, and they have no idea what my semblance is… or and this is stupid, and they think I'm A wizard… I'm A what?

"My semblance allows me to manipulate and control my life-energy, four years spent outside the kingdoms had allowed me to hone my ability to an art, creating my own attacks" yes, that should be good enough, yes… I could use my 'spirit barrier' technique to fake having an aura, maybe… I'd have to look if the 'spirit barrier' could shield me from physical attacks. Not just Ki like I had so far trained in... wait, isn't KI life-energy? Man, I'm dumb.

"So where's your sister at. Is that where were headed to." she hummed, more focused on the folder and her adding information to it. I decided to wait until she was finished so instead of watching her, I checked the city out. A busy place like back home. Sighing at the thoughts of home, forgetting the past was… it wasn't something I wanted to do but… maybe it would be A good idea too, just the personal, my life from before, my family, the mind doesn't work like that though, so I had to remain strong, emotions huh… they were hard.

"I hate to ask, but have you got an family we could get into contact with, you said the village you live in was destroyed… outside Vacao in the desert or somewhere near the coast? , seeing as you're not registered inside any of the kingdoms or no birth certificate has been found… so far in our research of your background which I said before" the girl was either trying to get me to trip up huh?

"Don't know what the village was called but it was raised to the ground years ago… uh Grimm attacks, like so many others outside the kingdoms. As for family, well…" yeah, yeah keep on writing, she looked at me before writing on her folder. The thought of my family really made me feel like shit. I could recall their faces, names and all that but how'd the hell… nope, stop thinking about that, let's just tell Winter their dead…

"They are dead. I don't want to talk about it any further" The mood was tense, my right eye was twitching unconsciously, I'd decided to change the subject when she had looked up, folding the folder over her knees and turned her eyes in my direction.

"So, we are heading towards where my sister is, your job for now would get to know her and her routine for now. I am stationed here for today and tomorrow, then I will be heading off back to Atlas. It'd be wise for you to understand just how important this job is. We have seen how strong you are however… so keep-… make sure my sister isn't hurt, also even if your only twenty-one, I'd expect you to behave in a professional manner." She spoke, the tone blended with authority had sounded surprisingly bitter, but got more heated towards the end. Frowning, she continued,

"In actuality, my father's aspirations for hiring you are unknown even to our family but know this. You have Atlas, the SDC and Vale's eyes upon you, so acting out of turn here from now on will have consequences. Control yourself and remember my sister is your number one priority." Winter had sighed then, finished with talking.

"that's fine with me, I had been training for A bit now, particularly in controlling my more domineering nature, but yes I understand. So, you don't know why your old man had hired me for this, doesn't uh…Weiss begin Beacon Academy soon?" my question brought back her gaze at me.

"Yes, she will be attending the academy soon, which is why we are heading to my sister first. When Weiss has packed her personal effects, we will be heading towards the Bullhead sanctioned to take her to school, your job will begin then." What? This isn't what I signed up for. Must be Ozpin, wanting to get my tied to the school earlier then the academy begins or something. I asked.

"I thought that Beacon wasn't ready for applicants for now, wasn't there A few more months before the term begun or was, I imagining things?" my question was answered when Winter nodded her head, no.

"Yes, the term doesn't begin for A few more month's but we, that being General Ironwood and the Headmaster thought it prudent that Weiss would be housed at the school, at least for now." Welp, that does changes things, I'm guessing that Weiss and Ruby won't properly meet this time around, no exploding Ruby. I did say the F-word to the plot, but actually seeing dire changes in front of my eyes reminded me that this world wasn't A show, it wasn't some video game either. It was my reality and there will be consequences down the line, unknown consequences seeing that Weiss would be already at the school. Ruby and Weiss wont bump into each other. Woe to the plotline. I almost laughed out loud, not of humor but of the awkwardness of it all.

"She will be sleeping at Beacon Academy but apart from the written testing, three-square meals and then finally the initiation test itself, the majority of her time will be spent in Vale, those were the conditions of her stay here. Anyway, its why you were hired, Weiss is A sheltered girl, this will be her first time away from our family. You will also be staying in Beacon Academy, your new uniform will be in your room, Miss Goodwitch will show you to your room when we arrive, I'm sure." oh joy, her…, and she doesn't have A good impression of me either. Looking down at my clothes, seeing my armor beneath, huh well, more clothing… I hope they don't dress me up like a butler or something.

The drive was almost an hour before we got to another place, passing through the central business district towards the shops and entertainment stores, which were passed by, until this hotel, named the 'Red Queen', outlined clearly was where the vehicle had pulled into, down under into A parking lot. that's where I saw her, Weiss was standing there near bags on trolleys sorting through A few bags. There was Atlas vehicles parked here and there as the parking lot was intentionally empty, with the checkpoint being manned by A few armed soldiers.

Winter led the way, the guards were professional, both the Atlas soldiers and those others, might be some private security contractors from the looks of them, the initials on their uniforms were 'V.P.S.C'.

"Winter, who are these other guys?" I had asked, curiosity getting the better of me. She didn't deign to look at me but spoke up.

"They are a private contracting security group. Hmm... oh yes, the Vale Paramilitary Security Corp, A rather small but filled excellent trained ex-cops or retired soldiers. Bit expensive though, another reason for your being here, you know… if we were worried about money, which were not." Winter led us to an elevator, her last remark ignored, going inside the cubicle, she dinged the buttons, which I was not really looking at, it started to move upward.

It was not that long before we both reach Weiss. She was in the process of packing, her hair was done up in her usual 'pony-tail, she had on that dress she'd wore when I first saw her, in this life and the past, that white-ish blue with that red collar, the definition of ice-queen in look. That calm facade was removed when I was spotted, the surprise on her face was exchanged with A stoic-look. However that changed quickly seeing Winter as-well.

"Well, your job has started. Help my sister bring her other bags down stairs, see that trailer over there? Pack them inside there. We will be with you soon" After pointing out the trailer, A luggage trailer, she'd dismissed me and turned to Weiss, whose attention was on both of us.

(Winter Schnee-POV)

Waiting for Kron to leave, she turned towards the door and promptly shut it. her sister turned towards the remaining luggage, the Faunus had already taken off upward, to get the rest.

"So, this is it then? You're leaving and leaving… him…" it was rhetorical the way Weiss had spoken, having already known the answer.

"Yes. This would be the last time for now, keep up with your training, and you can still call me if you'd like" she said kindly, gazing at Weiss. Rarely showing emotion, she'd instead let it show then when she hugged her young sister, surprising Weiss. She felt herself smile behind Weiss's hair. Letting go, her face morphed back into an kindly mother-like figure before her lips slipped back into an calm line.

"Remember, your paying him from out your credit card, in lien every two weeks so have him escort you every-time your in Vale. He has no bank account, so paying him instead of writing A check would be ideal. Our father expects you to utilize him every-time your out in public, to be seen with him will improve the Schnee family name… A Schnee and Faunus walk as equals… his words."

"I understand, I'll be careful then. I suppose… I should continue packing. Bye sister" she nodded at Weiss then left to continue checking her bags and even begun loading them up herself. Making her way back towards the elevator, she saw Kron there coming out with what she'd assumed were the last of Weiss's luggage, walking towards her and then past her, leaving the four luggage cases near the other bags and case's Weiss was currently sorting. His bags which looked like stolen goods, being police bags and all were also put down. He turned towards her.

"I might as well move it all at once, keep it all together. Wait here for us would you, so you can properly say bye to your sister" his eyes were roaming her body instead of her eyes, although he was discrete about it… typical boy. Rolling her eyes, she glared at his back, before deciding to wait, calling the elevator at the same time.