On the Job.

Walking back towards Weiss's room, my scouter begun acting weirdly again. Clicking the device's buttons, it was picking up Winter's power-level at 86 then to Weiss which was 33. it also picked up a few other power-levels in the thirty-range, higher or lower. It was all so strange, the scouter had also begun to show static statistics also, which distracted me, my anger at its annoyance was coming forth. So it happened that when I was punching in some buttons that I'd walked into someone.

The familiar voice, as-well as the snow-white ponytail strands which now filled my mouth and the arms which pushed into me came from the same, loud source. Acting on instinct, my arms had broken her fall. Weiss's breath hitched, and I realized I was holding something I definitely should not be, lucky for me.

"You… w-watch where y-your w-walking… and get y-your h-hand off of my-me" pushing backwards, Weiss had fallen to the ground with a feminine grunt, there were some onlookers from the soldiers, but they were more professional than I and didn't intervene, sticking to their own duties. The scouter static ignored for now, I went to recover her luggage, with one of the luggage cases had opened when hitting the ground. I see… This luggage case held either part or all of her dust supplies.

"I'm sorry…, Weiss is this all your dust?" my finger pointed at the open case, some of the dust bottles lay all over the floor, thankfully not damaged. Weiss's eyes followed my finger, the small yell from her, standing from the floor she went to repack the dust up. Muttering under her breath, I decided to help her.

"Here you go. Oh, and over here, and-" I was cut off with A red bottle in my hand which I was about to drop into her case mind you not from up high or nothing, but her hands were full already.

"Thank you, but I can handle it, handling dust should be done with care and your casually dropping them into my already full hands, just… wait for me to pack them in first OK" She said, whilst already going through her luggage case, the time she took with packing the various colors reminded me of my dad, who is… was A hoarder as well as A perfectionist who took his time to arrange his crap into… yeah I should thinking of dad… before I upset myself.

"Well, I can help you know, I'm not dumb" her glare, was the answer, before she spoke.

"Sure… you're not dumb, just some serial killer my father has hired, and for my safety to boot, hah! So, remember you're my bodyguard, my employee and I-" stopping herself, she continued.

"let's just remain silent… for now, we have nothing to talk about, just shut up and be seen, not heard" damn that was harsh, maybe deserved though. The words stung though, my anger had spiked briefly, but breathing and looking away from her face, which had turned back around to organize the various bottles left to sort, I instead roamed her body with my eyes. Physically I was 21, again and feeling her up before had gotten me aroused downstairs, the breathing calmed that calamity down as-well.

After her packing, I had taken her luggage with her leading the way with another case, Winter was still waiting, the elder sister was talking on her scroll, she also had an envelope in her hand. She saw our approach and after A few more words, hung up her scroll.

"Hurry up you two, I have logistics to still organize. Hey, you over there, give us A hand would you, thanks" Winter had turned to the side where there was two approaching men, both of them were staff of the hotel.

So, this is it, I end up at beacon anyway, yeah… I guess this will work, so save Pyrrha, kill that cunt Cinder and what else? And any other goals I can come up with, well besides finding something to fight. Salem? Shes immortal but flinging her into space is as easy as breathing for A Saiyan. Who knows, now I'm going to be in Ozpin's sphere of influence, got to keep my secrets and watch this princess. Grinning, I decided to tease Weiss A bit, who was struggling with her luggage case she had, one of the dust vial cases. Wrapping my hand around her wrist, her face turned red, but that expression also held anger, she mumbled softly to not alert her sister who was over the other side of the elevator.

"w-what are you doing, you big oaf. Unhand me before I get louder" her voice whispered through gritted teeth, hah, pushing her buttons will be fun.

"Why, was that an order, doll? I was really reaching for that case anyway, you know, the one you're being struggling with. Go grab another more light-weight case from those two over there, I'll take this one to the trailer" my hand released her wrist, going for the case before she could rebuttal.

"Fine, but be careful with this, it's my entire supply of dust. But thanks." she walked towards the luggage trolley. Glancing towards the floor, cases in hand as we waited as the elevator lowered down, my scouter begun making noise, the static and power-readings were switching from everyone inside the elevator, before reading my power-level, I forgot to check my power before now, the constant use of my spirit barrier technique had raised my power from 900 to 941. It was good, the technique would come in handy. Hearing the dinging of the elevator, we came out to the parking-lot level. Time to go to Beacon.

(Blake Belladonna-POV)

Blake was lost in thought, she'd being thinking a lot lately, maybe even more than usual. In A sense, she was still lost in that motion, thinking. Thinking of Adam, and the White Fang members that they'd lost to… him. To Kron, the monkey Faunus whose ability and strength surpassed everyone she'd have ever met. But that was behind her, out of both of their reach. The White Fang was spiraling down A path she could no longer follow, she needed strength of her own to effect change. Blake was lounging in her room reading. The room was given to her by the headmaster of Beacon, effectively, she was one of the first one's at the academy, she still had to take the tests and there was initiation as well, but the headmaster Ozpin had let her stay… for information.

Information on her, her background and she was surprised when he didn't care she was A Faunus or that she was from the White Fang, she also told him how she came to be in Vale, and of what she knew… of the monkey Faunus with an overpowered semblance.

The buzzer to her room was wrung, arising from where she lay, her book left discarded on the sheets, she walked quickly to the door. Opening up, she come face to face with the deputy headmistress of the academy, Glynda Goodwitch,

"Miss Belladonna, Ozpin would like A word with you. He has some things to explain to you, come along now."

"Sure, lead the way miss Goodwitch." sighing, she was still dressed so she quickly followed the deputy blonde through the halls.

She made her way to Vale, away from Adam, away from…him. However, finding A living in the town was hard. She struggled little, her specialty also lay in stealth so using her skills to… acquire what she'd needed was simple, it was also lucky that she found another member of the White Fang, or well, an ex-member like her, Tukson, no last name, who had helped her out A few times while in the city, he was on the run like her and she had frequented his store he named 'Tukson's Book Trade' which was downtown within the commercial district, across from A cafe she'd also frequented. Until she was caught, she thought about how'd she goes about coming to Beacon and signing up but well… that was made easy when she was caught stealing food by the blonde in front of her, who so happened to be downtown also, dealing with one of Kron's latest killing sprees. what was it? Involving the heiress of the SDC… and A hotel somewhere in the residential area, near the Central business district. When Blake had asked about him, Glynda scowl she had used at her had deepened and when she said she knew him, well… a little, the end result was she was here.

"So, do you know what the headmaster wants? Did he get into contact with my dad or mom?" Blake had asked calmly, Glynda still strutted through the halls but answered. Blake wanted to let her mom and… Dad knows she had left the White Fang and that she'd gone about changing her life around, of course she hadn't any money, and her scroll went missing at the last skirmish she'd taken part in as an operative of the Fang so, no communication.

"Not now, I have got you another Scroll, I left it in my office so tomorrow come visit me, early preferably as I will be busy later on. I'm in the process in grading your written exam, you've done surprisingly well, for someone with… no decorum of general education." her brief pause in speaking was easy to guess what she'd wanted to say, Blake didn't care, as long as she got to come to this school and got a chance for the better, miss Goodwitch can say anything to her.

Walking, they had come across the elevator, which was more like A glass box, an uncomfortable looking elevator, riding it upward, she stood against the slick glass panel and glanced towards the sky. The ping from the elevator and the clicking of heals snapped back her attention to the present moment.

"In here Blake, you should know your way back to your room. I'll see you tomorrow." The deputy bombshell stepped around to face her, waiting for her to leave the glass-like room. Nodding her agreement in both things she had said, Blake stepped into the headmaster's office. The headmaster, Ozpin was not seated but instead was facing out the window, until he heard her approach.

"Ah Blake, you've have arrived, come sit, sit… I have some news" He was drinking from his mug, looking at her from the side, Blake hummed, sitting down on A sofa-like seat, facing him. Blake stared across the table, and also got A glimpse of the ceiling, which was decorated with gear's, giving the room A cold machine-like feel.

"We will be having another stay here ahead of time for the next month, before the initiation begins." Ozpin started, and being tired as she was, she honestly wanted the headmaster to get to the point, she'd rather not be rune however and say that, but it must have shown on her face when his look her way become more authoritative…

"This person however will be accompanied by her new security guard. Weiss Schnee, as you no doubt have heard of, is coming to stay here, in part because it was insistent she stay in a safer place, and in part because her safety at the present is important so I thought why not in the safest place I know of. Being another huntress-initiate hopeful, I have decided to ask you-

"Why me? You know her family, their practices-" Blake interjected.

"-show them around" Ozpin finished.

"But they are not hers, those practices, the state the SDC is in, the reason the people suffer under the dust-producing conglomerate are not in any way, shape or form her fault. You understand that perfectly I hope" Blake stopped her tirade and thought about that, he was right.

"I understand, though I don't think I'd enjoy it, I'll try… being nice. You said there was another person coming, are they also trying to get into the academy?" Blake had inquired about, remembering he said Weiss Schnee was bringing A bodyguard. She heard from the news that there was a situation in A hotel, her ex-comrades from the Fang had attempted to kidnap or kill Weiss. That was weeks ago, that was all the news had reported though. Hiring A bodyguard was smart of her family.

"Just someone you've recently left. A young Faunus was hired, rather… unorthodox really, hiring someone without the C.O.A from the start, but from what I've been told, Jacques Schnee had taken care of the details and had A license made for this person before handing it over to me-

"Who is it" Blake had demanded, was it Adam? Not likely no, a stupid guess, but who else? Unless it was that monkey-

"Kron." she felt cold sweat, down her back, her hair had felt like it was sticking up in fear. That man was on his way here? She should be safe here, but just in case she'd pack her things again.